Losing My Religion

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Dietfried returned to his brother's bungalow in between the episodes of torrential rain. Violet and Gilbert were already sitting at their cozy hearth taking tea.
"Thought Hilary would have been with you." Gilbert commented, pouring tea for Dietfried.
"He was out before I even woke this morning. Must have gone to visit Ellenora and got hindered by the rain upon his return. Petrich was at the construction site with me, but left long before I did. I suspect they are all at the cottage enjoying their own cup of tea."
As Dietfried spoke, Violet stepped away then returned with a sealed telegram. "This arrived only moments before you did." she said, giving it to him.
"Hmm. Urgent news from the mainland." Dietfried murmured, breaking the seal.
It read:

Dietfried- Came across Sir Honore Beaufort at the military gala. Has recently been to Ecarte with aunt for business with Ms. Callie. Had questions for you about real estate opportunities on Ecarte. All I have heard. Daphne

Dietfried read the telegram twice over then merely stared at the fire in the hearth.
"Not bad news, I hope," said Gilbert.
"No. . .just interesting." Dietfried answered then proceeded to read the telegram aloud to them. "You know the business of the Beaufort family, surely."
"Renown gem cutters for some two hundred years or more. You still have Mother's small collection of Beaufort gems, don't you?"
"I do."
"Haven't heard much of Beaufort jewelry for over the past twenty years, though. Others must have phased them out. So it goes in such business."
An audible click of a tea cup making contact with its saucer caught both Dietfried and Gilbert's attention. They looked at Violet whose eyes had grown wide.
"I distinctly recall a man who had come to Jenna's design shop a few weeks ago just as I was delivering her mail. He was with an elderly woman looking to outfit a granddaughter's young son. The man was quite thin. Sharp features. Would that have been Sir Beaufort, you think?"
Dietfried leaned forward toward Violet. "Do you remember the woman's name?"
Violet thought a moment. "She introduced herself to Jenna and Ellenora. . ."
"Wait," interrupted Dietfried, "Ellenora was there as well?"
"Yes, Ellenora had been there to discuss the texture of the wool she had sheared off one of the ewes. So, yes, Ellenora was there, too. The elderly lady was a certain Lady Dylanhoff from Machtig."
Dietfried nodded. "Yes. Then that was certainly Honore Beaufort with her. Bending over backwards for his outrageously wealthy aunt to finance Beaufort jewelry back to the top, I should think."
"He seemed to be staring at Ellenora rather inappropriately, though," Violet recalled, with a distasteful expression.
"Well, Ellenora does resemble her mother, after all." Dietfried chuckled, but then stopped as he came to a realization. "Do you remember if Ellenora was wearing her necklace with that stone, Violet?"
Again, Violet fell silent in order to think. "Yes. I remember thinking how odd it looked in the sunlight, being that she most often wore it inside her blouse. It must have shimmied out."
"Ha!" Dietfried slapped his knee, "So that's where the rumor most likely got started! Beaufort knows gem stones at their roughest, I am sure, and he must have seen the unusual piece and thought it might be a true Rextheia Crystal!"
"Enough to look into real estate here?" Gilbert asked doubtfully. "I mean, did he even ask about the stone and where it might have come from, Violet?"
"No, not while I was there."
"As rare as this crystal is," said Dietfried, "Even an assumption is worth purchasing some real estate where it could possibly be located."
"This discovery brings to light something else, too," said Gilbert, "If this is, indeed, the orgin of the rumor of the crystal being located here, then, it proves Casper's innocence. Jenna needs to know this."
"Perhaps another meeting is in order." Dietfried suggested.
"No," said Violet, "Not for this. Not so public. Please."
Gilbert agreed. "Best to let it be discussed in private between friends."
"I'll make a visit tomorrow morning." Violet promised.
"And I'll speak with Casper." Gilbert added, "Don't know if this revelation will help mend his emotions, but he ought to know from a friend, as well."
Dietfried merely nodded, and took out his pipe. "Hope your son found somewhere dry. Really starting to come down out there again."

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