The Good Son

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Three months later:

        It was next to unheard of to take leave in the middle The Season.  It was simply poor social etiquette to be absent  to the variety of  dinner parties, garden luncheons, grand soirées, and high society galas to which one had been formally invited.
         Dietfried Baugainvillea was, naturally, invited to all the season's parties worth attending, and yet, at the height of it all, he, along with his nephew/protege, Hilary Baugainvillea had suddenly made plans to set sail for Ecarte Island.
         "You're causing a scandal for yourself," Daphne warned.
          "Oh, my dear, dear Daphne!" Dietfried replied with a great laugh, "I have been in this world for nearly six decades! I have caused enough scandal to fill a rather large moat. Missing a couple of garden parties are but a spit in the scheme of it all!"
          "Perhaps you ought the thank your gods for somehow keeping your reputation intact."
          "Everyday, my girl, everyday!"
          "Well, I'll do my upmost to do my part to tap down any and all scandalous whispers of you within my earshot." she assured him sweetly, expecting him to counter with another witty remark.
             Instead, he gazed at her thoughtfully through narrowed green eyes behind a lazy stream of smoke rising from his pipe.
           "Now that you have mentioned it, I do actually have a mission for you while we are away."
            "Oh? And what would that be, Captain Baugainvillea?" Daphne wanted to know, leaning closer.
             Dietfried's eyes then darted about the garden to the other guests who were deep into their own conversation and paying little to no attention to them.
            "I would be most grateful if you'd keep your ears and eyes open to any mention of Ecarte Island while I am out of pocket. These events are nothing if not a hotbed of the latest gossip, as you well know."
           Daphne stared at him, then actually snickered quietly behind her silk fan.
            "What?" he wanted to know, chuckling a little himself at her reaction.
            "Oh, Dietfried, you know the gossip that circulates at these events! You are hardly announced at the door before your ears are practically bleeding with whom has taken a new mistress, and how many thousands Baron so-and-so lost at the gambling tables." She shook her head. "I rather doubt the happenings of Ecarte Island, no matter how dire would enter into the realm of interest to any of these!"
            "Fair enough," Dietfried replied, continuing to puff on his pipe, "But wouldn't you think there just might be a drop or two mentioned, being that Captain Baugainvillea and his sole heir just up and left on their sailing vessel traveling toward the east in the midst of all this gaiety?"
             Daphne pondered this, then, out of sudden concern, asked, "Oh. . .it isn't because someone in your family is ill, is it?"
             "Ill? No, not that I am aware of, but then again, Hilary's father is the master of keeping vital information shrouded in secrecy."
             "Then, why is it I should even be expecting talk of Ecarte other than you taking your leave to go there at this inopportune time?"
             "There has recently been a bit of talk swirling about that must get sorted. That is all I am at liberty to say. But what I need you to do the most is to send a telegraph as soon as you hear anything, particularly if it comes from any of those ostentatious  nouveau riche women who tend to waggle their tongues the most just to produce head-splitting babble."
            Daphne snapped closed her fan and laid it lightly across her forehead in a quick salute.
            "Aye, aye, Captain!" She laughed, but then her laughter faded away. "I shall miss you, Dietfried. These little gatherings will not be the same without you here."
He gently patted her hand where it lay at the elbow of his offered arm. "Nonsense, my girl, we'll have returned in time for the Chetworth Gala and you shall be my partner for the very first dance."
At this she smiled up at him, although her eyes betrayed her true feelings of new found despondency.

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