Early Dawning Surprise~

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The two of them laid down in each others embrace for a few minutes, simply soaking up the warmth and love from their respective partner before Mara broke the silence.

She flipped around until she was resting on her back and scooted her way up their bed until she was leaning against the headboard before reaching down to drag her girlfriend against her side, the woman instantly burrowing into her shoulder and wrapping her arms around the Queen's waist.

"The Dawning begins tomorrow." Mara said, looking down at her girlfriend's beautiful honey brown gaze as the Titan looked up into her glowing cyan orbs, "Will you be participating in the festivities, or should I expect Nolan to barge in and demand I drag you to the Tower?" She teased softly, tracing her pointer finger on the woman's exposed bicep.

The guardian huffed and pouted up at her girlfriend, "That's not fair, he only did that once!"

"And Osiris had to do it for the event before that." Mara countered, unable to hold back her smile when her words only made the Titan's pout more pronounced.

"...No, no one has to drag me away this time." The Young Wolf said after a moment of sulking, "The Dawning is different anyhow. There's not really a giant celebration like there is for Festival of the Lost or Solstice of Heroes, it's a more personal experience where Guardians just, give gifts to the people they care about...we also bake cookies, lots of cookies." She said, unable to keep the excitement out of her gaze as she thought about this time of the year.

Because she had something special planned for Mara in a few weeks, something that needed to be absolutely perfect for her girlfriend.

And it would be just for the two of them.

Mara seeing the joy reflected on her girlfriend's face smiled and leaned down to press a kiss to her head, "You still are the only one in the universe who knows my favorite sweet is Apple tart. Not even my brother is privy to that information."

The Titan beamed up at the monarch, "Well everyone else was getting cookies and gifts, I couldn't just leave you out so I, took the chance to make you something. I didn't know it was your favorite, I was just surprised you took it. Although, now that I know you had feelings for me as well, perhaps it's not that surprising."

"And for the past two years, it's been the absolute highlight of the entire year." Mara said, "Getting something from you that no one else was allowed to give me, nor would I ever let them. There's a reason I only let you do things like that for me love."

The Titan sighed softly, "I really was oblivious, wasn't I?" She asked rhetorically, "I definitely should've seen the signs, they were right in front of me."

"Perhaps," Mara admitted, "I will admit, it was frustrating at times. I wanted you to acknowledge me, see me and my advances but you never did, not that I blame you. You had so much going on, so many threats to deal with. But then again, I wouldn't go back and change anything. Not when we got right where we needed to be anyways."

The younger woman hummed and snugged right up to her girlfriend, burrowing under the Queen's shawl so she was tucked under Mara's arm with the shawl now draped over both of them before squeezing her around the waist just a tad more tighter, "Me neither. We have each other now and, you don't ever have to worry about me not seeing you again." She said before lowering her voice, "All I can ever do is look at you now."

Mara chuckled at her whispered comment, love radiating out of every pore in her body as she responded back to her lover, "I can tell." She teased softly, "Before you always wore your helmet around me, beside that first time long ago in the Reef, but now that your face is free for my viewing pleasure, I revel in the way your eyes track my every move."

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