Playing Pranks

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"My dear girl, you never cease to amaze me!" Said Csintalan with a smile. "Thank you, my dark prince. Now that those three imbeciles are out of the way, I think we should have a little harmless fun with the ones who call themselves Russos." Said Athalia.

Right on cue, an urgent knock at the door occurs. Athalia opens it, but stays out of sight. The Russos rush into the room as Athalia and Csintalan turn into shadows and sneak out of the room.

"Did you guys hear that loud crash?" Asked Alex. "Yeah, it sounded like glass breaking." Said Justin. "It was glass breaking, look." Said Max. The youngest Russo points to where one of the windows looks broken. "Geez, someone must've been playing baseball." Justin said. "Not exactly. Let's look outside." Max said. The Russos look outside to see what broke the window, trying to avoid getting cut by shards of glass. "Um, fellas? You might wanna look at this." Alex said with her eyes widened.

The boys look to where the middle Russo is pointing. Paul lays a few inches away from the window, completely motionless. "Holy cow!!" Cried Max. "I'll go help him, you guys check and see if Derek and Odette are okay." Said Alex. "Will do!" Said Justin.

While Alex uses her wand to go outside instead of climbing through the broken window, the boys check on Derek and Odette. Max goes to Odette, while Justin goes to Derek. A minute later, the Russo boys meet back up with each other.

"Well?" Max asked. "I found Derek in the bathroom, he's handcuffed to the shower rack, his shirt is bloodstained, and not moving a muscle." Justin said. "Cause of it?" Asked Max. "Paul's sword was in front of the tub, I think Athalia must've stabbed him." Said Justin. "Man, that woman is completely crazy!" Max said. "Considering she's in Amanda's body, yeah. What about Odette?" Justin asked. "She's also motionless and has two bite marks on her neck." Said Max. "Alright, this chick is toast!" Said Justin angrily.

Alex comes back a minute later. "How's Paul?" Max asked. "He's in worse shape than when Athalia scratched him yesterday." Alex said. "Was he breathing?" Justin asked. "No." Said Alex sadly. "Great, just great." Said Justin. "You think that's bad? Wait until you hear what Athalia has done to Derek and Odette!" Said Max.

"I'm listening." Alex said. "Derek is handcuffed on the shower rack in the bathroom, and he got stabbed by Paul's sword." Max said. "I already cleaned off the blood. As for Odette, her neck was bitten." Justin said. Alex cringes. "There has to be something around here that made Athalia be unleashed through Amanda." She said.


With the doorstops on each of the Russos' doors, Athalia sneaks into each one to play a few pranks on them. In Alex's room, she turns her dresses into clown costumes. In Justin's room, she ties the shoelaces on all his sneakers together. And in Max's room, she turns the carpet into bubble wrap.

Csintalan was waiting in the hallway. "Ready to return to our home of darkness, my precious beauty?" He asked. "Absolutely, my knight with raven wings." Athalia said. "Never heard that before, but I love it. Not as much as I love you, of course." Csintalan said. He puts his arm around Athalia as they return to the dark forest.

Just in time too, because the Russos met back up with each other in the hall. "Okay, I found this thing in the kitchen." Said Max. "Looks like some kind of vial." Said Alex. "Is there any fluid inside it?" Asked Justin.

Max shakes the bottle until he hears liquid swishing around. "Yep!" He said. "We better study it some more before we start jumping to conclusions." Alex said. "Good ide... oh no." Justin said. "Justin, what's wrong?" Max asked.

The younger Russos notice something off about their rooms as well. They run in and look at the disasters that took place before meeting in the hall again.

"My dresses are clown costumes!" Cried Alex. "The laces on my sneakers are all tied together!" Said Justin. "There's bubble wrap on my carpet!" Yelled Max. All their shocked expressions turn into angry ones afterwards. "Athalia!!" The Russos said in unison.

"Hang on, you guys. We can change everything back with our wands, no problem." Justin said. "Of course! If we weren't wizards, this would be a bigger problem." Max said. The Russos take out their wands and reverse Athalia's spells. The only non-magical prank was Justin's, but he still uses his wand to fix it. "Bet she didn't know we can use magic as well." Alex said with a smirk.

The magical siblings all high five each other. "Alright, back to business." Said Max. He and his older siblings study the vial some more.

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