Reviving Derek & Odette

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The sword Justin made for Amanda disappears, and so do all of Csintalan's shadows once he met his end. "Is it over?" Asked Max. "I think so." Said Justin. "Don't worry, it is over." Said Amanda as she approached her friends. "Amanda, you did it! Heck, you did more than just stop Csintalan! You fought Athalia and regained control of yourself, and you even stood up to that creep when he confessed why he left the potion in your room!" Said Alex with a smile.

"Welp, that's the last of all our problems." Justin said. "Huh?" Amanda said. "First we had to figure out if Csintalan was the one who left the potion, and he obviously did do it." Alex said. "Then the next was stopping Athalia and bringing you back, finally defeating Csintalan." Max said.

"Do you remember anything about being Athalia?" Asked Alex. "My mind's a little foggy, but I probably might." Said Amanda. "Alright, let's get back to the apartment and fix one more problem." Said Max. Amanda cocks her head to one side. "I thought you said there were three problems." She said. "Sorry, we miscounted. Come on." Said Justin.

The four adventurers return to the apartment, where Amanda and Paul's room is a mess from when Athalia attacked. "Geez, we'll need to clean up around here!" Max said. "I don't remember doing this." Amanda said. "Alright, let's split up. Alex, you heal Odette. Max, you go to Paul. I'll take care of Derek." Justin said. "Ten four!" Alex said.

As the younger Russos go to the people they were asked to revive, Amanda follows the oldest Russo to the bathroom, where Derek is still handcuffed and dead. The sight of her brother in-law in that state made the swan princess cringe and her eyes water.

"Poor Derek, he didn't deserve that! I don't remember this either." Said Amanda. "We all know Athalia is to blame. Anyway, let's get him down before I do the incantation. Can you hold him so he doesn't fall?" Said Justin. Amanda nods as Justin's request as he casts a spell on the handcuffs to unlock them. 

Derek collapses once his hands are free, but Amanda caught him before he could hit the floor. She and Justin help him out of the tub and gently lay him on the floor in the living room. "Now what?" Amanda asked. "I'm gonna do the incantation. Stand back, okay?" Justin asked. The swan princess does what she's told as the oldest Russo performs the incantation to revive Derek.

Earth below, sky above, fill the dark of night with love

The morning sun will take his pain, and he will awake renewed again!

A soft glowing ball of magic appears and slowly drops towards Derek. Once it lands on his stomach, it goes through his body as it works its powers. The magical process took about two minutes until it finally fades out.

Not a minute too soon, Derek gasps for air. He opens his eyes and sees Justin looking down at him. "You okay, Derek?" Asked Justin. "I just had the strangest dream." Said Derek. Instead of saying it wasn't, Justin decides to let it slide. "Anyway, there's someone here who wants to see you." He said.

The oldest Russo helps the king up, then they turn towards Amanda. "Oh my god, bro!" She said as she was already crying. She traps her brother in-law into a tight hug. "How do you feel, Amanda? Last I saw, you got sick after getting us drinks." Derek said. "I'm all better, actually." Amanda said.

After the embrace breaks up, a worried expression appears on Derek's face. "Oh no, where's Odette?" He asked. But his fears disappear after remembering she's in the bedroom. Justin stops him before he could go on. "No, Derek, don't go in there!" He said. "Why not?" Asked Derek. "Just don't, not until we say so. Amanda, you go ahead." Justin said.

Amanda nods and enters the bedroom, but she closes the door so Derek doesn't see what's happening. Alex looks up as the swan princess enters, then Amanda cringes when she sees the bite marks on Odette's neck. 

"Yeesh, I don't remember doing that! Odette has been attacked before, but never bitten." Said Amanda. "Keep in mind it was all Athalia. Anyway, did Justin heal Derek yet?" Asked Alex. "Yeah, and he was about to come in here, but Justin stopped him." Amanda said. "Good, it would be bad if he saw his own wife in this state." Alex said. "Agreed." Said Amanda. "Alright, ready for the incantation?" Asked Alex. "Ready as I'll ever be." Amanda said.

The middle Russo clears her throat and recites the incantation to heal and bring Odette back.

Earth below, sky above, fill the dark of night with love

The morning sun will take her pain, and she will awake renewed again!

Just like last time, a glowing ball of magic appears, but this one floats towards Odette's neck. Once it touches her, it enters her body to remove the bite marks. Two minutes later, the magical process ended.

Odette lets out a gasp for air and sees Alex looking down at her. "Glad to have you back, Odette! How do you feel?" Alex asked. "Aside from the fact that I had a pretty creepy dream, I feel fine." Said Odette. Though Alex knows everything actually happened, she didn't feel like letting the queen worry more. "Good. Look who else is here to see you." She said.

The middle Russo gestures to Amanda, whose eyes are filled with tears. Odette stands up from the bed and smiles at the sight of her sister. The girls then trap themselves into a tight hug. "When I heard something happened to you and Derek, I feared the worst! But I'm so glad you're okay, sis!" Said Amanda. "I could say the same about you! After you got sick the other day, I started to worry. We all did." Odette said.

Alex opens the door to the bedroom. "Justin, tell Derek he can come in now!" She said. "I think he heard you, but thanks!" Said Justin. He and Derek enter the room a minute later, and Odette embraces her husband.

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