Evil But In Love

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"Stay away from my prince of darkness!" Yelled Athalia. "Prince of darkness? He's not even Dracula!" Said Alex. "Silence, you selfish brat!! If you even think about laying a finger on him, you'll be sorry!" Athalia said angrily. "Why are you protecting him?! He's obviously evil!" Said Justin angrily. "I may be evil, but I have feelings too, you know!" Said Csintalan. "Feelings? Pffft!" Scoffed Max.

Csintalan sings about how he's got something, but isn't sure what it is.

I'm not sure what it is, but I've got it
Whatever you were selling, I bought it
Can't touch it or see it, or hear it
Don't know if I should love it or fear it

Whatever it is, I've got it
Whatever it is has got me

I'm not sure what it is, but I've got it
I woke up one day, and I caught it
Don't know if it's what I was praying for
I've got no idea if it's staying

Whatever it is, I've got it
Whatever it is has got me

Went to see the doctor
Who confirmed my deepest fears
There's lots of it about he said
And it often lasts for years

Went to see the doctor
Who confirmed my deepest fears
There's lots of it about he said
And it often lasts for years

I'm not sure what it is, but I've got it
I didn't wanna get it, so I fought it
It slipped through my strongest defenses
And slowly invaded my senses

Whatever it is, I've got it
Whatever it is has got me
Whatever it is, I've got it
Whatever it is has got me

"It's obvious that you're in love with our friend." Justin said in an annoyed tone. "How many times do I have to tell you that my name isn't Amanda?!?! She's gone!!" Yelled Athalia. "And anyway, you're absolutely right, young man. This feeling is... love." Csintalan said. He pulls Athalia in for a kiss, forcing everyone to watch. But the only ones who don't see it are Derek and Odette, being as they're still unconscious.

The Russos cringe, while tears fill Paul's eyes. "I can't bear to watch this anymore, let's get out of here!" Max said. "Right behind you, little brother. When we go back to our rooms, I'm gonna throw up for a bit." Alex said.

"But we can't just leave! Amanda needs our help, and I'm not giving up on her!" Cried Paul. "We aren't giving up either, Paul! But this just got harder and harder!" Said Max. "Worse yet, Amanda isn't even acting like herself! This Athalia will be tough to beat!" Said Justin. "She's still Amanda to me, I know it." Paul said.

A sigh escapes from Alex's mouth. "Look, if you wanna stay behind and get yourself killed by some creep who's taking over your wife's body, be my guest." She said. "Alex, how can you say that? He's doing it for love!" Max said. "You were the same way for Ryder when he, Tori, and Katie got captured a while back, remember?" Justin asked. "Oh, right. Sorry, I'm just really worried about Amanda." Alex said.

"We all are, sis. Come on, we better help Derek and Odette back to Paul and Amanda's room." Said Justin. "How will we be able to carry them?" Asked Alex. "We'll use our magic." Said Max. "I'll catch up with you lot, there's one more thing I wanna do first." Said Paul. Justin pats his shoulder. "Be careful." He said.

While the Russos help Amanda's unconscious siblings back to the apartment, Paul puts on a brave face and slowly approaches Csintalan and Athalia, who have finally stopped kissing. "Amanda, I know you're still in there somewhere. If you can hear me, we're gonna do whatever it takes to save you." Paul said. Athalia grabs his throat and lifts him off the ground with terrifying strength, causing the poor bassist to choke.

"You won't be saving anyone, you old fool! If you think you're strong enough to make me leave your wife's body, think again! You're nothing!" Athalia yelled. "No... please..." Said Paul as he felt his life begin to slip away. "Heed my words, young man. Your so-called 'wife' is never coming back!" Said Csintalan.

Athalia releases her grip on Paul, who's now coughing up a storm. A few minutes later, he stops, then Athalia drops to his level and grabs him by his shirt. "I want you to remember this, McCartney. No matter what you do to save your precious wife, you'll always be a coward." She said through a wicked whisper. She pushes Paul to the ground afterwards, then disappears in a cloud of black smoke along with Csintalan.

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