Prologue: Why did i get picked!

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Your POV

I stare at my phone blankly as I let out a sigh out of boredom and disappointment before scrolling through the entire front page of YouTube seeing videos related to things either I watched or interested in, until I found one about making weapons used during the zombie apocalypse which is nice since I tend to be very paranoid about some things.

Even if that fear made me end up as a Neet though I wouldn't say it's as bad as someone like zubaru from re:zero or worst kazuma from konosuba, since I do go outside to keep myself healthily taking at least 2 hours max of morning walks and then if I am bored enough I would spend the entire night at the nearby park just pondering on what I should do with my life since I didn't want to waste my life away.

While I was in my train of though I return my attention to the videos I was watching it was interesting really as I even watch I gun make a Bolt action pistol that shoot nails using just a few bolts, springs and wood as materials for the gun parts and then using nails as the ammo by removing the flat end of it, I found it very impressive since being able to make a homemade weapon feels satisfactory that it might work with real bullets if the barrel was narrow enough for the bullet to travel through it.

After what felt like hours just laying on my bed I then let out a sigh as I then stood up from my bed looking at my phone I saw it was already 6:30pm, after looking at the time I start doing stretches to loosen up my joints while letting out a grunt after feeling a few pops. As I finish stretching I went towards the coat rack where my yellow jacket was hanging from a hanger, wearing it along with a pair of slip on shoes I then proceeded to go outside my house after making sure I locked my door.

After that I first inhaled then exhaled as I then started walking around my neighborhood saying hello to people I pass by and some even ask if I was doing ok, it was well known around the neighborhood that I am a shut in that would stay in my house for days and I appreciate their concern when they ask me about my well-being thus as repayment I would help them almost anything, specially when it comes to repairing and making things for them since I find joy in making my neighbors smile specially the children.

In my eyes they are the future that would restore society back in order since the current one nowadays is batshit insane and that's all I am going to say just cause, anyway I continued my walk towards the park grabbing my phone from my jacket's pocket to check on the time and saw that 30 minutes have passed since I did take a few stops to talk to some of my neighbors who were still outside their house.

Another few minutes pass as I hummed Your Song By Yun*chi from the anime Log Horizon the song is one of my all-time favorites and my mind starts to wonder about certain things like what it's like to live in that world, but then again I also do it to other anime and games like there are some things in games and anime i kinda wanna change an example would be in the world of teyvat guizhong's fate one of the thing I would change since in my opinion zhongli deserve to be happy after being alive for six millennia.

As I finish humming I then began to be aware of my surrounding again and saw that I actually arrive at the park and I just stood still for a moment just enjoying the parks' scenery, a grassy field with beautifully place flowers planted in certain areas and some shape from objects to animals. This parks it quite popular for tourist and couples and this is there I also making a living, well one of me since in the morning I would bring my Polaroid with me and a small signboard to advertised my service which at first surprised me since it was quite the hit and its very sustainable since we get a lot of tourist coming and going.

But right now I came here to chillax thus I sat down to one of the nearby benches and let out a satisfied sigh looking up the sky I could see the stars shine so bright, I am very glad i in this lovely town its considered one of the safest places in the country and doesn't suffer from light pollution thus making this town a diamond in the rough since it's the one of the few place where you can see the stars so clearly.

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