Chapter 9

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Zade De Luca

The room is silent, the only sound being the steady click of a lighter as I flick it open and closed, over and over again. The flame dances briefly before extinguishing , just like the lives of those who get in my way. I lean back in my chair, the leather creaking beneath me as I survey the room—my office, my fortress, my throne. It's a far cry from the battlefield, but in here, wars are waged all the same.

This charity event is nothing but a sham, a stage for the wealthy to parade their power under the pretense of generosity. But this one is different. It's not just another gathering of the elite—it's my chance to strike, to exploit their arrogance and bring them down when they least expect it.

Eduardo, the pezzo di merda, is hosting the event. It's just like him to throw a party, showing off his power and influence as if he runs the world. But I know his game, and on the night of the event, I plan to use it against him. Eduardo is nothing more than a puppet dancing on strings he doesn't even know are there and when I'm finished...He'll be the one dangling.

Salvatore Maranzano....he'll be there too. The thought alone makes my blood boil. That man has been a dito nel culo for too long. He's the only obstacle between me and the Codex, a treasure of unimaginable value, it's the key to my plans. The final piece to the puzzle I've been assembling for years.

But Maranzano isn't stupid. He's guarded, paranoid, always two steps ahead—except at this event, he won't be. He'll be distracted, his attention split between his enemies and his act of a gracious guest. And that's where Leandra comes in.

A slow, cruel smile tugs at my lips at the thought of her. She's a wild card, unpredictable and deadly, but she's also my best shot at getting what I want. Maranzano's men are fools, easily manipulated by a pretty face and seductive smile. Leandra has both, and she knows damn well how to use them.

She doesn't know it yet but she's about to become my most valuable asset. And the best part? She won't realize until it's too late.

A knock at the door pulls me out of my thoughts. I flick the lighter one last time before snapping it shut and placing it in my pocket. "Come in" i say, my voice cold and controlled.

Carlo enters, a folder tucked under his arm. His usal happy, carefree expression is gone and is replaced with something more serious, He knows what's at stake, just like I do.

"We confirmed that Maranzano will be at the event." Carlo says, handing me the folder. "He's bringing his usual men, Riccardo, Dante, you know...the useless thugs that can't keep their mouths shut."

"As it should be." I say, taking the folder and flipping it open, inspecting the details inside. "And Leandra?"

"I'm assuming she's still pissed....she's got her own agenda and I highly doubt she would be pleased about being dragged into yours." Carlo slightly hesitates, choosing his words carefully.

A short, humourless laugh escapes me. "Of course she won't be, She never makes anything easy."

"Are you sure about this, Zade? I mean...she's unpredictable. If she finds out what you're really after—"

"She won't" My tone leaves no room for argument. "And even if she does, it won't matter. She may think she's in control but really she's not. Not this time."

Carlo nods, trying not to press the situation further. He should know me well enough to know once my mind is made up, there's no changing it.

"We're playing this my way. And when it's over, Maranzano won't know what hit him."

Carlo gives a sharp nod and exits the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more. The plan is risky, dangerous even, but that's what makes it perfect. Leandra is a weapon, sharp and deadly, and I'll use her like the tool she is.

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