Chapter 12

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Dad had brought us back to the basement of the building. There was only an elevator from our floors to there so that no one would try to sneak in. We got in and I stood behind dad looking over at Felix and eyeing him up and down before turning my attention back to my dad. He apparently knew I was staring at him and turned to look at me. He just looked at me and chuckled before turning back.

"You'll see why, you just have to wait" he told me.

Felix looked at us confused before he spoke "how do you understand her when she doesn't sign?" he asked.

Lucas looked at him "she's my daughter of six almost 7 years now you tend to learn how they are and what they say especially just from looks, one day you'll understand when you have kids." he told Felix.

The elevator had stopped at the bottom floor and dad made his way out of the doors first. Felix was gonna go after him but I used my tail to push him beside and walked out next. I looked back at him and let out a huff before following my dad. Felix held up his hands and backed off before he looked to see if it was okay. I looked back and flicked my tail indicating him to follow. He looked at me confused. I rolled my eyes and signed "follow" before turning back. He came out of the elevator and followed behind us.

Dad had led us to an open room filled with pillars and many many people talking, training, using weapons, and teaching about powers. I looked around then at dad "wow dad hiding this from me now so not cool" i signed to him.

He chuckled "you weren't ready till now" he said to me.

I rolled my eyes before looking back at Felix. He stood there amazed at everything before looking at me "what?" he said to me. I just shrugged before looking at my dad.

"Right, let's meet the rest of the crew" he said with a smile before turning and looking around. He then spotted a pair of kids before calling them over.

I looked at dad then at the two coming over.

"Antalya, Felix this is the rest of your team" he told us as he looked at them "This is Willow and Simon" he told us.

Willow, a dark skinned, maron wolf girl in a cute pair of overalls held out her hand. I took it before looking at Simon. He was strange but good looking. He had dirty blonde hair and surprisingly bright red eyes. I wonder how they are that red. I shook myself out of my thoughts before looking at dad.

"So what's the plan dad?" I signed.

"Well since we now know the rest of the team lets start with what your assigned roles are" he told us as he looked at the four of us. "Antalya you're the main assassin, Felix the distraction, Willow you're in charge of watching over Felix to make sure he doesnt get harmed. Simon you're in charge of getting the people to talk." he told us. "I want you guys to start training with each other, learn to work together, hang out together, And get along" he said glaring at me.

I huffed.

He rolled his eyes before continuing "once you guys learn to do this we will start with your first mission" he told us.

Willow smiled and clapped her hands together "ooo this will be fun" she giggled as her tail wagged.

Felix smiled "at least I dont gotta do much fighting but it still wont hurt to learn some hand on hand" he said looking at the rest of us.
Simon looked at me "looks like we're gonna be close" he said to me.

I looked at him and nodded.

Dad smiled at us "good now go start training in" he told us before kissing my head and walking off.

I watched him leave before my ear flicked and I turned and blocked a fist from hitting me. I growled softly before noticing who it was.

Simon smiled "your reflexes are good I'm surprised" he said to me.

I shrugged before moving his arm and going to hit him. He ended up blocking mine as well. I flicked my tail in his face distracting him and kicked him in the chest. He fell to the ground and let out a grumble as he looked at me.

"Alright I get it" he said to me.

I went over to him and held out my hand. He took it and I pulled him up. "You're not bad, just watch what your surroundings" I signed to him.

"Easy for you to say you got better ears" he said to me.

I looked at him "you know sign language?" I signed.

He shook his head "I can read minds, You got a pretty fucked up life, I understand why you dont talk" he told me as he got back into position.

'Thanks but next time stay out of that side of my brain, or at least ask before snooping' i thought getting back into position.

He shrugged "I'll do my best next time then" he said and watched me "you keep your mind free of what moves you'll do I'm actually really surprised you're able to block that" he told me.

'Well you never know when a mind reader will come to read your mind' I thought.

"True" he said before going to hit me again.

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