Chapter 11

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It had been six almost seven years since Lucas and Amelia or who I should say mom and dad have adopted me and have added me into their little family. I'm now nineteen years old and almost 5'11. At the age of seventeen I had asked dad to be a warrior for him and with a lot of talking and convincing I was able to. And now here I am, I've grown to be dad's top warrior with all my training and my powers. And my skills will be going into secret assignments soon.

I yawned as I got up out of bed. Making my way to the bathroom and looking at myself. Heck now i even look stronger than I used to. Well besides this hair it looks stupid long now. I rolled my eyes and went and grabbed one of my knives from a hidden spot in the cabinet. Had to be prepared, never know when you'll be attacked. Dad taught me that. I grabbed a handful of my hair and took my knife and cut it. I had cut a good two, maybe three feet of my hair. I looked at my hair in the mirror still not liking the way it looked. I sighed softly. 'I'll get ma to help me with the rest of it before I mess it up more' I thought to myself before tying the hair I had cut off into a ponytail. Knowing mom she would want to have it. I changed into a tank top and some shorts before heading out of my room.

I found mom in the kitchen making dinner. She looked up at me and her eyes grew wide before going to her gentle look again. "Need help?" she asked me softly.

I gave her a small smile and nodded "please" I said to her. "oh , I also figured you would want this" I said to her and lifted up the ponytail of hair.

She smiled and walked over to me and grabbed a hold of the ponytail "Thank you, my goodness my baby girl is growing too much" she said as she looked at me and rubbed my cheek. I nuzzled my face into her hand. "So what are your plans with your hair?" she asked me. Before ruffling the leftover hair on my head.

"I was thinking maybe a pixie cut, but leaving the top a little floofy still and fading out the bottom a bit" i said to her and went to the sink and washed my hands to continue to help her with dinner before cutting my hair.

She nodded and smiled before going and washing her hands as well "seems like you've had this thought for awhile now" she said to me as she dried her hands off.

"Just a little while, but it helps get my hair out of my way when I finally do my assignments" I told her and went and cut the potatoes. She was making some good potato soup with bacon bits in it. One of my favorite meals she makes.

"That's right you are getting your first assignment soon, I'm proud of how much you've grown to get it" she said to me as she cooked the bacon. "Think you'll be scared or nervous?" she asked.

I shrugged softly "who knows, maybe a little bit" I told her.

She giggled softly and we continued to make the stuff for potato soup. After we had finished she let it set in the crockpot to stay warm. While we cut my hair before dad came back home. It took awhile but we finally got my hair cut done and I really liked how it turned out. I fixed my fluff on my head to spike it a bit and looked over at her.

"Thank you mom, I love it" I said to her with a smile.

"Good now Im gonna go set the table you clean up in here okay?" she asked me.

I nodded and walked out of the bathroom and grabbed the broom and dustpan as she went to the kitchen. I started to sweep up the floor and went to sweep it into the dust pan when I heard glass shatter.

"Mom? You okay?" I asked.

I didn't get a reply.

I grabbed my knife from my pocket when I heard faint voices. None that I can recognize. I made my way out of the bathroom carefully and walked back towards the kitchen carefully. Watching how I placed my feet so that I wouldn't make any sound. I kept against the wall as I slowly peaked around the corner. I looked for where mom was after spotting her. I paid attention to how many others who were not supposed to be here. My tail flicked softly in aggravation. Four men from the looks of it. One watching mom, the others scanning the room.

"Spread out men there's a kid somewhere here" one of the men said.

I stepped back carefully and went into one of the rooms. I stood behind the door carefully as I waited. Soon enough one of the men had come to check the room and I had grabbed him in a chokehold till he passed out from lack of oxygen. I rolled my eyes. 'These men really don't know who they messed with' I thought as I made my way to the door and listened before peaking my head out one of the men was in the hallway still while the other had just gone into another room. I snuck up carefully and pulled my knife back out and covered his mouth before stabbing him in the back. I carefully laid him down on the ground before making my way to the one in the other room. Doing the same thing to him. I got up and looked at the men before walking back out to the kitchen. He noticed me as I walked in and didn't really care.

"Hands up!" he demanded as he pointed a gun at me.

I just stared at him.

"You stupid mutt! I said hands up! Are you deaf or something?!" he demanded again as he stepped closer.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the knife off the kitchen counter that I had used to cut the potatoes and threw it at the guy. It had hit him in the arm and he dropped the gun. 'Such a rookie move their" I Thought as i made my wings larger and gave them a good flap causing a gust of wind to push him back. He stumbled backwards and i took my knife and held it up against his throat as i checked his pockets for any other weapons. I looked at me in shock.

"Alright Antalya, That's enough stop scaring the poor boy, he's your partner now" Dad had said to me.

I kept the knife against the boy's throat and looked at dad. I pointed at the boy as I looked at my dad.

"Yes him, Just him though out of this group. Thought you would need it since you passed your first assignment" My dad said.

I pulled my knife away and looked at the kid before my dad. He gasped softly as he held his chest. "I still don't understand how he's my partner" I signed to dad. Lately I've only ever talked to people I trusted and never around others. Which was great because mom and dad both knew sign language for some of the other mafia groups. There was one I knew of that had a few deaf people in so it was nice.

"You'll survive Antalya, teamwork is a very important thing" dad said to me.

I looked back at the boy. He had white hair and dark gray skin with bright red eyes. He looked at me and smiled.

"Oh, Um... Hi! I'm Felix, Felix Spade, I'm half spider half human" He told me and lifted his hand for me to shake.

I just stared at him. 'Half spider? Don't spiders have more arms...or eyes...or both?" I signed.

"Oh i do i just had to hide them for the mission today to look more human" He told me as he took off the military vest my dad previded him and there they were just wrapped around him. And he blinded open his other eyes

'Gross' I signed. "'But nice to know you can hide them' I added.

"Thanks!" he said with a smile.

I looked at my dad "so when the official training or missions start' I signed.

"When you meet the rest of the group" he said.

I huffed 'Of course there's more' I signed. The other men I had killed came walking back into the room. Luckily they weren't my team which was good. They were idiotic anyways and couldn't tell I was there. How they survived not dying to me I won't understand cause two out of the three men I did stab. I Looked a dad and he smiled before gesturing to me to follow him.

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