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2 Weeks Later
Indian Ocean

Down in the depths a black submarine silently glided through the depths of the water. Dark and angular, designed to fit its owners suit, the vehicle reflected a predatory and menacing design. Inside, the control room was highlighted with a red glow and a few minions stood attending to the advanced, almost futuristic consoles.

In the middle of the room, Black Manta sat in a lifted chair, his elbow propped up on the arm to fear his cheek on his fist. An aura of boredom surrounded him as he stared at a huge screen over the main console in front of the ship.

"Whats the point of scheduling of zoom call if you're gonna be late? He sighed propping one leg over the other and looked at an touchscreen on his wrist that told the time."I could've been feeding my fucking Goldfish."

Finally, on the big Lex Luther appeared, sat at a mahogany desk surrounded by floor to ceiling windows that offered a breathtaking view of Metropolis. City lights sparkled in the early morning sunrise casting warm reflections off his modern office.

A small smirk made its way to his face as he stared at the fellow legion member." My apologies and what-not for being late, there was something that needed my attention."

"Listen Lex, don't have me waiting like I'm some bum-ass villain named Two-Face." Manta sat up straight in his chair. His eyes glowed a bright red as stared screen for a moment before continuing." I'm not on his bum-ass level."

The CEO leaned back in his chair and folded his hands in his lap. Rolling his eyes he continued with to the next topic."Noted, and has there been any news on our missing member?"

Black Manta turned his head to a minion manning a station who looked at a screen before shaking his head." No, why do we care about him anyway? Only thing he did was tax the fuck out of the harbor and port."

Shrugging, Lex rocked his chair not really caring about the lower ranked villain. Honestly he was making light conversation before getting to the topic of the call." Anyway, we've been able to keep the league busy with decoys since they don't know which of us committed the raid.

Though they've still been watching the launch sites, the wrecking team is ready to protect them before they're deactivated." He assured letting it be known his half of the plan was being done.

Manta nodded and shifted in his chair, having King Daruma apart of the group made the whole thing convenient. So much so it made something on the level they were doing look easy." Good, and how is the auction going?"

"Top bid just crossed 200 million." The CEO reported, mildly impressed by how much the people were wanting the codes. A variety of groups putting up huge numbers at the moment that rose by the minute." Governments, private militias, and even some of our own are fighting for our next payday."

Slight twinkles could be seen in Mantas visor as he tapped a button on his chairs arms rest. A live feed of a Black Market auction site flashed onto every screen and console in the room, showing numbers and encrypted bids from anonymous and well known users from around the world.

He nodded in satisfaction, his eyes gleaming a bright red."Easy money for a couple hours worth of work. Especially since I'm starting a legit shipping company with my cut, people pay a lot of money for a boat the governments don't care about."

"An international smuggling operation huh? Good luck getting all those dumbasses to trust you at once." Lex smirked at the ambition pulling his phone out. It really was a small world, and almost everyone had a problem with someone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2024 ⏰

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