•Chpter 4: don't leave me•

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Noel POV:

Mischa has been getting distant lately. He's been using his phone more often again which is making me wonder what is he doing? I can ask him but at the same time I don't wanna make him think I'm nosy or just trying to be annoying so I just shrugged it off and hoped nothing would change. But it did.

I was over at mischa house watching movies with him. He had fell asleep with his head on my shoulder. I would be lying if I said I wanted him to move, then I heard his phone go off, I decided to check thinking that maybe it was jane/Penny or ocean bugging him. 

*New message from Talia🤍🦢*

... I felt hurt. I thought I finally had him I thought maybe I could finally make him mine. But no, this whole time talia had him wrapped right around her finger, he was hers and any chance of me becoming his man was now gone. I placed the phone down and moved mischa off me, making sure he doesn't wake up. I slip on my shoes and grab my school bag, before I left I placed the spare house key he gave me on his desk along with our matching necklace and rings. I left a note saying I had to go home and left, his parents said goodbye to me and I tried my hardest not to break down in tears right there. But the moment I was down the street the water works came out, I was crying my eyes out the whole way home. I couldn't stand this hurt I was feeling.

Once I arrived home I immediately layed down on my bed, mischa scent still there from when I would let him sleep over or when he would just lay on my bed whenever we hanged out. It made me cry even more, I couldn't deal with it I couldn't understand why I was so naive and believed he would be mine. But just I couldn't bring myself to even finding out why I thought like that. Then I heard my phone go off 

*Incoming call from miss carrot 🥕 *

I answered the call trying to hold back my tears to make sure ocean doesn't ask 

Ocean: hey Noel u busy?

Noel: no why

Ocean: I was just gonna ask if you had mischa notes I need to see them

Noel: oh uhm.. 

Ocean: what? Did I say something wrong?

Noel: huh- no sorry I just uhm nevermind but no I don't have them

Ocean: Noel? Are you okay.?

I froze when she said that, I couldn't respond and at that very moment I let the tears out they couldn't stop and I kept crying 

Ocean: Noel what happened?!

Noel: I-..

After I explained everything still crying my eyes out, ocean went silent after a while trying her best to listen

Ocean: .. Noel I don't understand why he would do that. But did you ever consider if he didn't even feel the same way.?

Noel: I just- he was with me. I was all he needed or so I thought.. is there something wrong with me that made him not want me?

Ocean: Noel nothing is wrong with you.

Noel: I know but I mean- He needed more than me.. I just don't understand! Im friendly and thoughtful and pretty? I guess.. but he still needed more than me.

Ocean: Noel just please think this situation over. I have to go but please don't cry anything try to get rest. 

I hanged up after that, I layed there just staring at my ceiling, the tears stopped but my heart still ached then finally I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Mischa POV:

I woke up to my phone ringing and ringing, I sat up and checked the time 11pm? Dang how long was I out for, I then noticed Noel was here anymore. I looked around and then saw the note on my desk, 

"Hey I had to go home already, my mom needed me to help with something"-Noel

I placed the note down then noticed the key and the matching rings and bracelets then I looked back at the note and noticed the back 

"Also please don't talk to me anymore, I'll leave the stuff on top of this note that way I don't have to give it back tomorrow"- Noel

I was confused I immediately went to check my phone and saw some messages from talia were opened when I was asleep, then it hit me, Noel saw the messages. He read them that's why he left, I immediately shut off my phone and stared at the ground. I ran my hands through my messy hair and just dropped to the ground. Why the fuck did I even start talking to her again, me and Noel had something it was special and I decided to fuck it all up. I want him back here, I want to continue keeping him in my arms, I need him. He understands me better than anyone, I don't want to lose him.


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