•Chpter 5:I need you•

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No ones POV:

It had been months since mischa and Noel talked. Noel had avoided mischa the best he can but somehow they always ended up bumping into each other, Noel could never face him so he would always immediately leave. Mischa on the other hand he missed Noel, he couldn't stand Noel ignoring him. He wanted him back but whenever he tried talking to Noel, it ended with Noel leaving. 

Noel POV:

Fuck. Of course it had to rain. I walked home the rain dripping onto me making my hair wet and my clothes too. At that point I had gotten use to it until I felt the rain stop. I look up and see an umbrella on top of me, I turned to see who it was and saw mischa. I quickly turned away trying to walk faster but mischa grabbed my hand holding it. "Don't go. You know your gonna get sick if you stay out in that rain longer." He said holding the umbrella under the both of us making sure I didn't get more wet "I can deal with getting sick, it's just gonna be a cold." I say trying not to face him, how could I? I ignored him for months on end not even looking at him once. "I don't care, I don't need you getting sick" he says pulling me closer to him. I pushed him away moving back, I was pissed. "Oh? Why do you even care? Shouldn't you be texting talia?" I say staring at him end in his eyes, rain started going down on me when I noticed he lowered his hand. He had mumbled some words that I couldn't hear which was getting me more pissed "what? If you have something to say fucking say it!" I yell pulling at his shirt collar pulling him close. "I. Don't. WANT TALIA. I WANT YOU NOEL. I FUCKING NEED YOU." those words made me freeze. I let go of his shirt and stepped back. What was I supposed to say? What was I even supposed to do. I mean, he plain off confessed but I don't understand why he would "don't say that. You know DAMN WELL YOU DONT" I yell back turning away from him. I start walking away when I feel him grab me pulling me back to him. I was about to say something until I feel his lips press against mine. It lasted for a minute or two then he pulled away "I need you Noel. I want you in my life. I want you to be mine." He says moving the wet hair out of my face. I couldn't speak, I was still in shock from the kiss, so the only thing I could do was pull him in for another. Which I'm sure caught him off guard but he immediately kissed back. After that I pulled away and hugged him. "I need you too mischa." I said kissing his cheek has he hugged me back. After a while it was still raining and it was getting hella cold "Well now that we finally confessed, can we go to someone's house? Maybe mine? It's fucking freezing. I'm practically freezing my balls off right now." He says picking the umbrella back up. I laughed at what he said and got under the umbrella with him holding his hand "yeah that sounds nice." I say putting my head on his shoulder as we walk to my house. I'm happy that now I know he's mine, and that he would never leave me. 


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