•Chpater6: promise•

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No ones POV:

Noel and mischa had been together for a good while now, they were now seniors in high school, their relationship had some rocky parts but they always stuck together. Mischa was in a part time band with some friends and he played bass. Noel would always come to his shows and watch him play. Everytime he saw him he always fell in love more and more.

Noel and mischa were laying down together talking about what they were planning to do once their out of high school "nah I'm going to college. I wanna move to France so ima need a good job" I say looking at mischa as he smiled "Mhm." He said.after that I started talking and talking about how I want my life to be good. We had brought up kids randomly but I told him that I wouldn't have kids until I'm older and that it's my life and how I decided it. I tried saying it in a non mean way and mischa understood but something felt off. No matter how much he smiled he seemed nervous? Like he was hiding something. "Hey Noel? I have a question to ask" he says sitting up, I was getting nervous but nodded letting him ask the question "if I were given a chance to continue my music career would you support me in it?" He asked, I smiled and nodded yes kissing his cheek. But somehow I noticed he still wasn't happy. There was still a hint of sadness in his eyes that I couldn't get over. Then his next words hit me like a bullet 

"I'm leaving for Ukraine.So you can live however you want."

I froze it felt like my life came down into pieces again. I stared at him as he stood up. I couldn't speak. I just sat there. "I'm leaving tomorrow. Some big band wants me as their bass player and it's a big offer." He says sitting back down but facing away from me. I just sat there not saying anything I mean what was I supposed to say? The love of my life was leaving me for some band "Then go for it." I said in a low voice, still not looking at mischa. "Well I knew you would understand." He said. 

My mind went blank as I stared at my hands, he was leaving me. For some band, I know I should be happy for him but. God how could I be happy while he's leaving me. 

"Ya know. You should come with me. We can live together, and we won't be apart." 

Those words were an option but I didn't want it. I didn't want to be a house husband, I still had a future and the one he was giving me didn't fit. My life felt like a puzzle that couldn't be fixed. At this very moment, I knew there was nothing I could do to change that crazy mind of his. I lost him, and there was no way of getting him back this time. No kiss in the rain could save it this time.

HEY GUYSSS- SO LIKE WE GOT ANOTHER CHAPTER! Also I got some stuff to say- so like... I'm 100% sure my posting is gonna get a lot less daily. Cuz of the fact I'm currently babysitting almost every day, cuz I'm saving up for stuff on a certain list I have.. so yeah! But I hoped you enjoyed this chapter-Akeru<3

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