Capítulo sem título 173

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In the morning, near priderock:

Tamaa: "Are you sure they can fly that distance, I mean they aren't young, but still need to
grow." Ono: "Don't worry Tamaa, I know all of our children will be fine while flying those long
distances from our nests." *He said while flying a good thermal stream of air, which gave
them less effort in all the time flapping their wings to maintain their altitude and speed of
flight* Amanzi, wife of Ono, was nearby Tamaa and Ono said to Tamaa: "I assure you
Tamaa, that my husband knows what he says, your children too are good at flying equal to
our own." Tamaa: *shy* "I know that, I was just worried about their long distance flying
lessons, is that they haven't completed all of them yet." *Tamaa's own wife, getting close to
his husband, fast pass her wing in his beak to tranquilize him* She says to him: "You know
very well that you and I had done our best in their training* Anga: "And even with my
experience of flight your children are learning faster than I thought" *She says flying a little
higher than the group, too joining them in their matinal morning flight, assuring even more
her husband Ono's affirmatives sentences, both Anga and Amanzi agreed in a shared
husband with Ono right away accepting being part of two families, he and his two wives
living together in the same nest.* While flying in their morning routine flight, near priderock,
they saw a strange group of animals, getting close they saw Zazu, with two unknown and
strange hornbills, that were wearing some kind of golden armor, but not heavier to not
interfere with their flight, and on the other side of this unknown reunion was simba, surprise
by something that he just have heard, even flying higher than all of the height of priderock,
they could see and hear their still calming talking, but up toned sometimes. Simba: "You're
who?" *Simba ask to one of the unknow birds, that were on each side of Zazu's wings.* ?:
"Name's Alastar, chief of the royal guard of the great kingdom of Birdstain, your Majesty."
*He says bowing to Simba* Simba: *In respect to him, gives a little bow too* "And you?"
Referring to the other armored bird. ?: "Name's Diho, your majesty, commander of troops in
Birdstain, and here by my side, I present to you Egari, diplomatic relations from the royal
kingdom of Egtair, and Dori, too from the diplomatic relations from the royal kingdom of
Birma." Hearing the words Birma and Egtair, made Ono and Tamaa, suddenly stop in midair,
their wifes confused looking to them like that have see some kind of spirit, the birds without
saying nothing, suddenly dive in direction of priderock, to the location of the ongoing
conversation, their wifes puzzled by the sudden attitudes of their husbands, and following a
little far behind them. Still without landing in priderock, Ono and Tamaa were worried about
something would change everyone's lifes from now on. Ono and Tamaa: *Speaking at the
same time* "Tell me they're fine, please!" The following moment shocked only Simba,
because the wives of Ono and Tamaa, who have landed right behind them, beforehand, or
wing in their case, already understood that good news wasn't coming, and approached their
husbands to give a full wing to them to comfort them, for the upcoming news. Egari and Dori,
gave Ono and Tamaa, a bigger bow that even Simba haven't saw in all his time of reign not
even with Mufasa still as ruler of the pridelands, both at the same time kneeling on one knee,
and retrieving from their foot claws, some kind of colorful feather all adorned with some kind
of seal and gold, saying at the same time to them: "Still isn't the time my princes, but you
both must prepare for a coming end of your both grandfather's retirement, abdication, war, or
death". Dori: "About your both fathers, we know they had abdicated from their royal
sucession, to live here in the pridelands, but not from the royal family equally and totally,
which means you both still have the royal blood in your wings making you both the heirs of
Egtair and Dori, which is the same objective of the royal guards from Birdstain too, Zazu's
father didn't die, but he too needs to prepare himself. *While he was saying this both royal
guards of Birdstain were doing the same royal movements that Dori and Egari had both
done right now to Ono and Tamaa. Anga: *Next to Amanzi and the wife of Tamaa* "We can
tell our children calmly, but not rush with it right now!" Amanzi and Tamaa's wife: "We agree
with you Anga!" Zazu: *Turning to Simba, and bowing again* "I think you deserve some
explanations, your majesty!" Simba: "Yes Zazu, I don't know you're royal blood, I mean
obviously after being my majordomo yes, but before, why you never have told me that." *And
turning to Anga. Amanzi and Tamaa's wife* "And how you're all so calm? You're all royal
bloodline too?" Anga: *Bowing* "Queen Anga from the Eagles reign of Hunter grounds".
Amanzi: "Royal majordomo of Egtair and daughter of one of the royal guards". *Bowing*
Tamaa's wife: "Queen of Birma." *Bowing* Zazu: "From a secret act between those three
kingdoms we choose to not reveal our lineages to anyone, at least till last cases, like wars or
imminent deaths or retirements, that's why I, Ono or Tamaa don't told you nothing about our
royal lineages, neither the other ones, *referring to their wives*" "And my wife Nyari is taking
care of our children in our nest, she's the next in royal succession of I give up, and a royal
guard's daughter too." Simba: *Sensing the serious tone of this conversation, asks Zazu*
"Now you're willing to take care of your reign, what about the cargo of royal majordomo, one
of your sons can assume, and you're free to rule your kingdom." Zazu: "Very well Sir, but I
have something to tell you." *He says getting nervous.* Simba: "You can tell Zazu." Zazu:
"Your majesty, I'm pregnant, Ono, Tamaa and our wives are too." Simba: "WHAT!?" Zazu:
"After some wars, and reconciliations, the reigns of Egtair from descendants of Ono's
lineage, and Birma from the lineage of Tamaa's lineage, after all the three reigns suffers
some declines in their birds populations, the males too adapted their bodies with evolution
and adaptation of their species so the males too can get pregnant, even it has a drop in
females birds." Simba: *Sighs* "Ok you all have my blessing to let your respective functions,
mate, and that the gods of the past lead you all in your way to rule your respective
kingdoms." *Bowing and returning to the interior of priderock* Zazu: "For the guards and
royal advisors of the three kingdoms were all honored in serve our respective kingdoms,
after we all have laid our eggs, you all can return and open the gates for our returns."
Guards and royal advisors: "May warm winds lead all of you" *Bowing and taking off, back to
their respective kingdoms.* Ono: *To everyone who was still there* "Mating flight?" All:
"Mating flight!" *All saying at the same time taking off to the clear skies.* Doing a straight up
maneuver till they're very very high in the sky, and then all bird groups, Tamaa with his wife,
Ono with Amanzi and Anga, and zazu with Nyari, and the higher point of their climb,
preparing for their free fall. had join their talons gripping stronger locking them together, and
rubbing their cloacas, started a free fall, diving with their wings retracted for maximum
speed, on the last second they saw both birds separating their claws and cloacas from each
other, and biting their wings fast to not have a straight down fall on the ground, and giving a
final louder bird caw. After complete their midair mating flight, they returned to their shared
nest, where their children were getting baby-sitter by Hadithi, arriving at the beginning of the
night, after some hunt to feed them and take some fruits, insects and meat, after killing two
gazelles, they divided it with Hadithi and their children, after the children slept, during the
middle of the night, they shared the news with the eagle and the chicks, about their
upcoming pregnancies and new half-brothers on the way, and about their royal succession,
the children were impressed in knowing about it. On the next day, with Hadithi stil
baby-sitting the children Ono, asked to asked for him to leave them away of the nest during
this new orgy they were planning to have. Zazu goes to the center of the nest. Ono places
himself in front of him and Tamaa behind the

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