chapter eight

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kim nuka

i lay down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. i should probably tidy up my room. i separate the clothes on the floor into 2 piles, clean and dirty, put them all away, then make my bed. 

i hear a knock, not from my door, but from my window. i reluctantly peep through my curtains only to make eye contact with none other than lee minho.

"can you open up? its a bit cold out here."

"what?! what are you doing here??" i whisper shout.

"did hyunjin not tell you i was coming?"

"yes- i- what do you want??"

"my blazer?"


i sigh, opening the window.

"thanks princess." he smiles, stepping inside my room.

"i- dont call me that. and take off your shoes." i say, crossing my arms.

he chuckles, taking off his shoes. "cute room." he says, picking something up from my shelf.

"hey- put that down." i sigh, snatching the item out of his hand and placing it back on the shelf.

"here." i hand him his blazer.


he reaches out to grab something else and i quickly slap the back of his hand.


"oh please i barely touched you, and keep it down." i hiss.

"are your parents home?" he whispers.

"no- HEY." i yell, trying to stop him from exiting my room. "MINHO!" i whisper shout as he heads downstairs.

i grab his blazer which he had put back down on my bed then head downstairs. i reach the bottom of the stairs and to my surprise minho, seungmin, and seungmin's friends are sitting around the living room, beers in hand.

"you didnt tell me you had a brother." minho states.

"today was the first time we have spoken to each other, my bad if i didnt tell you my whole life story." i say, grabbing the beer can out of my brothers hand.

"HEY?!" seungmin shouts, trying to snatch it back.

"we talked about this." i warn.

"i also remember mom talking to you about a strict no boys in the house rule." he says, crossing his arms.

i reluctantly hand the beer back to him, making sure to send him a glare in the process.

"minho, you can leave now." i state as i hand him his blazer again, pointing to the door.

i hear the sound of a car pulling into the driveway and me and seungmin immediately make eye contact.

"shit she's early." i say, grabbing minho by the wrist.

i rush upstairs while seungmin and his friends chug their beers, quickly hiding their empty cans.

"dont make a sound." i whisper.

"WHY?" he yells.

"SHUT UP." i whisper shout, covering his mouth with my hand.

i hear footsteps coming up the stairs and i rush minho to my closet.

i have a small walk-in closet, it has enough room to barely fit 2 people.

"dont mo-"

minho grabs me by the waist, pulling me into him then closes the closet door.

i send him a glare and he smirks, removing his hands from my waist.

"nuka?" i hear my mom say as she makes her way up the stairs.

she calls my name once more as she knocks on my door.

"fuck, your shoes." i whisper, eyes widening at the thought of my mom finding out i had a boy in my room.

"don't worry, i slid them under your bed when i took them off." he whispers back.

my doorknob twists open and my mom steps inside my room.


fuck, he's definitely going to rat me out.

"I THINK SHE SAID SHE WAS GOING FOR A QUICK WALK." i hear seungmin say, causing me to let out a breath i didnt know i was holding.

i hear the door close and footsteps head down the stairs, indicating my mom was gone. i open my closet door and quickly lock my bedroom door.

"sorry love, can't stay." minho says, sliding his shoes on.

"great because i dont want you here." i smile.

"ok, harsh. see you monday, princess." minho laughs, heading out my window.

"i- bye?" i laugh, closing my window.

five minutes after minho leaves i head out my window as well then to my front door.

"im back." i say, opening the door and locking it behind me.

"hi sweetie, come sit. i need to talk to you and your brother about something." mom says, emerging from the kitchen then taking a seat on the couch.

i sit down and me and my brother listen intently as my mother begins speaking.

"you know the man i've been telling you guys about?"

me and my brother nod.

"well, he has invited us over to his house tomorrow for dinner." she smiles.

mom has been talking about this guy for a while now, she seems to really like him and i'm really happy for her.

"that should be fun!" i smile and seungmin nods.

"just make sure to dress well please. dinner is in the kitchen." she flashes us one last smile then walks herself back to the kitchen.

me and seungmin both stand up and begin to head there as well.

"hey min," i say just before reaching the kitchen as i grab seungmins shoulder, forcing him to turn around.


"thanks for covering for me, sometimes your not a total shit head." i smile, ruffling his hair.

"anytime." he scoffs. "you owe me though, big time."

"yeah yeah."

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