chapter twelve

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kim nuka

"you're disgusting, can you not keep it in your pants for one night?" minho says to hyunjin.

the girls, chan, and i stood together, watching the scene in front of us unfold.

"calm down minho." hyunjin laughs.

it only ended up making minho angrier, we tried to calm him down but he ended up just storming out of the house.

an awkward silence takes over the room.

chae's parents rush downstairs asking us what happened and if minho was ok.

"he's fine mom, just a minor disagreement." chae forces a smile.

my phone buzzes from my pocket, it was him.


meet me at the park



i grab my stuff and head to the park by chae's house before any of them had time to question me.

as i approach the park i see a figure in the distance facing away from me.

"minho, its okay. really. i dont like hyunjin like that..." i say, walking towards him.

"minho? you g-"

lee minho

i mean seriously, could he not control himself? no one wanted to see that.

as i walk down the sidewalk i hear someone behind me.


she ran right past me and towards the park. im guessing she must have thought i had gone to the park so i head to the park as well.

"minho, its okay. really, i dont like hyunjin like that." i hear her say, but not to me.

there was someone else there.

"NUKA." i yell as she falls to the floor.

that man drugged her.

he looks up in my direction with a shocked expression.

i run up to them as fast as i possibly could.


before i could yell another word, i grasp my lower abdomen as blood trails down my body. i look down at the knife being held inside me then back up at him. his face turns pale but he quickly twists the knife causing me to collapse onto the cold, hard concrete beneath me.

the last thing i see as my vision goes blurry is the sight of him putting nuka over his shoulder and carrying her away.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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