Once upon a time...
A girl name Ara, was happily living together with her family. She was born with a golden spoon in her mouth. She loves painting, prefer to just stay at their home and being alone. People usually avoids her because of the name she had. But she may not have a lot of friends, yet still she was happy.
Not until that one night. Ara got into an incident that made her asleep for a very long time. Days become weeks. Weeks become months. Months turns to years. And her beloved parents are now hopeless, not sure if she could still be able to wake up.
But like in the fairytale stories, would a prince come after and give her a true loves kiss that could wake her up from her deep slumber? Is that even possible?
Timeless Love
RomanceEvery fairytale stories begins with once upon a time, but does all of it ends with a happily ever after? Enchanted Tales #1