As the dawn's first light seeped through the heavy curtains of my chamber, I awoke with a start. The events of the previous night felt like a dream, but the warmth and weight of Draco's presence lingered on my skin. A mixture of anticipation and dread clung to me as I rose from my bed and prepared for the day ahead.

Today, I was to have a meeting with Prince Baharm following breakfast. Beatrice was once again in my chambers, preparing me for the day.

"Princess, did you sleep well?" she inquired with her usual concern.

"I did, Beatrice. Thank you."

She selected a sapphire gown from the array of dresses packed for me and assisted me with my corset and attire for the day ahead.

"Remember, Princess, you have a meeting with Prince Baharm in the garden after your breakfast," Beatrice reminded me. A sense of unease settled over me as I recalled the appointment we had arranged the previous night.

Beatrice then attended to my hair, weaving it into a long braid that cascaded down my back as I ate my morning meal. The doors to my chamber opened, and the familiar sound of armor brought me a measure of comfort.

"Good morrow, Princess," Draco greeted as he entered.

"Good morrow, Draco," I replied with a smile, finishing my breakfast. Beatrice excused herself and exited the room, leaving Draco and me alone.

"We should not keep Prince Baharm waiting," I said, prompting Draco to nod in agreement. He escorted me to the gardens where Prince Baharm awaited, standing before the grand water feature commissioned by the King of Eldoria for his wife.

"Princess, Sir Malfoy. Thank you for granting me this audience," Prince Baharm said with a bow.

"Of course, Prince Baharm," I replied, taking a seat on a nearby bench.

"Princess, I find this location rather too exposed for the conversation I wish to have," he said, glancing around nervously.

"Very well then, lead us to a more private spot," I suggested.

He guided us to a secluded part of the garden where dense trees cast us in shadow, shielding us from the sunlight.

"Princess, I must confess that I believe myself to be the most suitable match for you," Prince Baharm began.

A look of surprise crossed my face. "Prince Baharm, what makes you say that?"

"Not only can I offer my strength, loyalty, and the support of my kingdom," he continued, "but I also possess an affection for those of my own kind."

I nodded slowly, waiting for him to elaborate.

"Given this," he said, choosing his words with care, "I am aware of the regard you hold for Sir Malfoy, who bears a striking resemblance to me. Should you choose me as your consort, you and Sir Malfoy could continue your affections privately. No one would question the legitimacy of any child born from such a union."

My eyes widened in shock. "Prince Baharm, I will confer with my advisors on this matter. I shall keep your sentiments to myself, and I trust you will do the same."

"I shall remain silent, Princess," he assured me with a nod.

Draco and I walked in silence to his mother's chambers, the grand oak doors looming before us. I knocked gently.

"Enter," came her voice from within.

"Princess. Draco," Lady Malfoy greeted us with a graceful curtsy. "What can I do for you today, Princess?"

"I seek your guidance, Lady Malfoy, and that of Lord Malfoy," I replied. Just then, Lord Malfoy emerged from the adjoining study, where he had spent most of his days while we were engaged in finding a suitor.

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