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In the dimly lit room beneath the castle, where the flickering light of a single candle danced against the cold stone walls, a group of men gathered. Their voices were low, their faces obscured by hoods and shadows. A large map of the castle and its grounds was spread across the wooden table before them, marked with various symbols and notations.

One of the men, cloaked in dark, intricate robes, leaned over the map, his fingers tracing a path through the garden. His voice was a harsh whisper, filled with malice and determination.

"Tonight is the night," he said. "The princess will be in the gardens, alone with her suitor. It is the perfect opportunity to strike."

Another figure, shorter and stockier, nodded in agreement. "The guards have been observed. There is a pattern to their patrols, and I have ensured that they will be distracted. We have a small window of time."

A third figure, cloaked in a tattered, nondescript garment, spoke with a gruff tone. "And the poison? Is it ready?"

The man in the elaborate robes nodded, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "The poison is prepared. It is potent enough to ensure her demise swiftly. We need only to slip it into her drink and wait for the effect."

A fourth figure, his face hidden in shadow, finally spoke. His voice was cold and resolute. "Remember, we must not fail. If we are discovered or if the attempt fails, it will mean our deaths. The princess must be eliminated tonight."

The man in the elaborate robes, who had been silent until now, raised his hood slightly, revealing a hint of a smirk. He was a striking figure, his presence commanding attention. As the conspirators prepared to leave, he gave one final directive.

"We have made our arrangements. We will strike during the princess's meeting with Prince Baharm. The garden will be our stage."

The men around the table nodded solemnly, their resolve hardened by the gravity of their task. They exchanged final, determined looks before gathering their weapons and the vial of poison.

As they moved toward the door, their cloaks rustling softly, the atmosphere was thick with tension. Outside, the night was still, the garden bathed in the pale light of the moon. The stage was set for a deadly game of shadows, and the princess was about to become its unwitting player.

With a final glance at the map, the leader of the group turned to leave. His hood slipped just enough to reveal his face in the dim light. It was Prince Diggory of Huffleton, his expression one of grim determination as he stepped into the night, ready to execute his sinister plan.


"It is a lovely night, is it not, Princess?" Prince Baharm remarked as he gazed at me. I was still awaiting a response from my father.

"It is, Prince Baharm."

Draco stood behind us, his presence a reassuring shadow. Just then, a servant from Prince Diggory's court approached, carrying two goblets. She handed them to us with a curt nod and swiftly departed. I glanced at the goblets—one for me and one for Prince Baharm.

My goblet had an unfamiliar scent, a faint aroma that was unsettling.

"I wish to see the healer at once. There is something amiss with this wine," I said, my concern evident. Both Baharm and Draco looked at me with curiosity.

"What seems wrong with it, Princess?" Baharm inquired, his brow furrowing.

"There is a scent that I cannot place. I fear it may be poisoned," I explained.

"Prince Diggory would not resort to such measures," Baharm asserted confidently.

"He may not be aware of it," I replied, my voice steady despite my growing unease.

The Princess's heart - D.M. Royal FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now