The first light of dawn crept into my chambers, painting the walls in a soft, golden hue. Outside, the world seemed peaceful, untouched by the turmoil within me. The morning air was crisp, carrying with it the scent of pine and a hint of the coming autumn. Yet, as I stood by the window, watching the sun rise over Eldoria, the warmth of the day did little to chase away the chill that had settled in my heart.

Today was the day—the day I would meet the suitors who had traveled from distant lands, each seeking my hand in marriage. I had been preparing for this moment for as long as I could remember, yet the reality of it now seemed unbearable. How could I possibly choose a man to rule by my side when my own heart was filled with uncertainty and fear?

I hadn't slept much the night before, my thoughts consumed by what lay ahead—and by Sir Malfoy. His visit to my chambers lingered in my mind, his words both a comfort and a source of deep sadness. I knew that whatever decision I made today, it would not only determine my future but the future of my kingdom. The weight of that responsibility felt suffocating, as though I were drowning in expectations.

Beatrice was at my side, her hands deftly arranging the layers of my gown, fastening clasps and smoothing fabric with the practiced ease of someone who had done this a thousand times. Yet, even her presence, usually so calming, could not ease the tension that knotted in my stomach.

"You are strong, my dear," Beatrice murmured as she adjusted the final piece of my attire. "You will do what must be done."

I nodded, though I wasn't sure I believed her. Every layer of silk, every piece of jewelry, felt like another chain, binding me to a future I didn't want. My heart ached with the knowledge that my life was no longer my own, that my choices were not truly mine to make.

As I left my chambers, the familiar corridors of the castle seemed strange to me, as though I were seeing them for the first time. The stone walls, the tapestries, the flickering torches—they all felt like part of a dream, or perhaps a nightmare. Every step I took echoed in the stillness, a reminder that I was walking toward a destiny I had no desire to embrace.

When I reached the doors of the throne room, I paused, my hand resting on the cool wood. Beyond these doors awaited the suitors, men I had never met but who would determine the course of my life. My heart pounded in my chest, and for a moment, I considered turning back, running away from it all. But I knew I couldn't. My duty was here, with my people, with my kingdom.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded to the guards, and the doors swung open. The room beyond was grand, filled with men dressed in their finest, their eyes all turning to me as I entered. I felt their gazes, heavy with expectation, as if they were already weighing my worth, judging whether I was suitable to be their queen.

I stepped forward, my chin held high, though inside I was trembling. As I moved through the room, I searched for Sir Malfoy, Looking ahead, I saw him—standing there, adorned in the royal colors of purple and gold. The coat-of-arms of a raven perched atop a piece of wood was proudly displayed on his chest. It was the symbol of Ravenwood, my kingdom, my home—the land I longed to return to, where I could hunt game, ride my horse, and live as freely as I desired.

"The Princess of Ravenwood!" someone announced as I took my place on the throne. A servant approached, offering me a glass of red wine. "Thank you," I said, accepting it.

A murmur rippled through the crowd, and then a voice rang out, full of disdain. "She thanked a servant? She will be queen, and yet she's thanking lowly servants?"

I cleared my throat, letting the weight of authority settle into my voice. "Who spoke those words? Step forward."

A man emerged from the crowd, his brown hair wild and unkempt. He was clad in the red and gold of the Free Cities.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"Lord Longbottom of the Free Cities, Princess."

"Do you know the origins of the Free Cities, Lord Longbottom?" I asked, my tone sharp.

He hesitated, then replied, "No, Princess."

"The Free Cities were born from a peasant uprising in the Kingdom of Gryffindora, when the upper class failed to recognize servants and peasants as people. If you belittle the small folk, they will rise against you, Lord Longbottom," I warned, waving my hand dismissively to shun him away. He was nothing like Draco, whose quiet strength I trusted. Draco met my gaze and gave a subtle nod, silently agreeing with my words.

"Does anyone else have something to say?" I asked, my eyes sweeping over the sea of men before me. There were more here than my father had led me to expect, as far as I knew that there would be six of our allies here. 

I knew there could always be more kingdoms, those with whom we were not allies. I was aware of the neighboring realms surrounding my own kingdom of Ravenwood. To the east lay Slytherinmoor; I noticed a man in deep shades of green and silver, marking him as a representative of that kingdom. Their interest in forming ties with Ravenwood was evident.

To the west was Huffleton, renowned for its loyalty, hard work, and strong sense of community. A tall man with pale skin and brown hair, clad in the yellow and black of Huffleton, stood near the door. It was clear he was the suitor for Huffleton, embodying the kingdom's dedication to both land and people.

Scanning the crowd, my gaze fell upon a man with shaggy red hair, tall and lanky, dressed in red and gold with the emblem of Gryffindora prominently displayed. He must be the suitor from Gryffindora, or what remains of it. Situated to our south, Gryffindora had once held vast lands, but the uprising had left it in disarray. Now, with only a fraction of its former territory, they would undoubtedly be eager to secure an alliance through my marriage.

Finally, my attention was drawn to a man wearing the deep blue and silver of Ravencrest. I recognized the colors instantly. Ravencrest was known for its esteemed institutions of learning and the brightest minds from across the world. The suitor from Ravencrest stood with an air of intellectual prestige, a testament to his kingdom's reputation.

All these men gazed at me, their eyes filled with expectation as they awaited the commencement of our meeting. The weight of my duty pressed heavily upon me—the responsibility to choose a suitor, to bring him back to Ravenwood, and to establish him as my King Regent.

With a deep breath and a forced smile, I declared, "Let us begin." Here we go.


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