The ship had long since left the safety of the harbor, its bow cutting steadily through the endless expanse of the ocean. The rhythmic creak of the wooden vessel and the distant calls of seabirds were the only sounds to break the vast silence of the open sea. The salt-laden wind tugged at my hair as I stood at the bow, my gaze fixed on the horizon where the sky kissed the water.

The journey had barely begun, yet the weight of it already pressed upon me. Beatrice, my ever-loyal nursemaid, had taken ill soon after we set sail and was nowhere to be found. It was strange not to feel her reassuring presence at my side, but I knew her condition was beyond my help. For now, the vastness of the sea provided a welcome distraction, a momentary escape from the responsibilities that awaited me at the journey's end.

I was lost in thought when I heard the familiar sound of Sir Malfoy's footsteps approaching. He came to stand beside me, his eyes scanning the same horizon that had captured my attention.

"Are you alright, Princess?" he asked, his voice a blend of concern and familiarity that only years of friendship could forge.

"I am," I replied, though the words felt hollow. "It is strange, isn't it? To be so far from everything we've known."

"Aye," he said, his gaze steady on the distant waves. "But we face this journey together. Whatever lies ahead, we will meet it as we always have—side by side."

I turned to look at him, his presence a comforting anchor amidst the uncertainty. The bond we shared, forged in the innocence of childhood and strengthened by the trials of growing up, had always been my greatest solace. Here, on the bow of this ship, with the vast sea stretching endlessly before us, that bond felt stronger than ever.

As the wind picked up and the ship surged forward, I felt the first stirrings of resolve within me. The path ahead was uncertain, and the burdens of duty weighed heavily on my heart, but with Malfoy by my side, I knew I could face whatever awaited us.

"Soon, I shall be wed," I said softly. "But I ask only this, Sir Malfoy—that you remain my knight, my sworn protector."

"Princess," he replied, his voice resolute, "there is no one else I could ever protect with such devotion as I do you."

Gently, I rested my head on his shoulder, our eyes fixed on the waves that danced beneath the rising sun. "I wonder what the other kingdoms look like. I have only ever heard tales of the vast forests of Eldoria. Is it normal for my heart to feel so heavy?"

Malfoy glanced down at me, his expression thoughtful. "I cannot say, Princess. What I do know is that we both bear great burdens—yours, for your people and your homeland. Mine, to ensure your safety."

We both sighed, the weight of our thoughts pressing upon us. "I wonder, if I find a suitor, will he be as wise, as cunning, as kind, and as loyal to me as you are?"

"You must seek one who will offer you all that and more," he replied.

"I wonder when we will reach Eldoria," I mused aloud.

"Allow me to inquire of the captain," he offered, before turning to make his way to the captain's chambers.

Left alone, I gazed down at the rolling waves, my thoughts drifting to Malfoy. The kiss we shared days ago lingered in my mind, shrouding my feelings in uncertainty. I could not discern whether what I felt for him was love, or merely a moment of weakness, a lapse in judgment born from our closeness.

The sound of armor clanging towards me pulled me from my thoughts. "The captain says we should reach Eldoria by tomorrow morn," Sir Malfoy reported. I stifled a yawn, the weight of sleep heavy on my mind.

The Princess's heart - D.M. Royal FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now