Chapter 2

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Chapter Two 

As the morning light filtered through the windows, Evelyn stood with Hermione in a quiet corner of the room. Her heart pounded in her chest as Hermione raised her wand, preparing to cast the spell that would transform her into someone unrecognizable. Evelyn squeezed her eyes shut, bracing herself for the change.

"Ready?" Hermione asked, her voice steady despite the gravity of what they were about to do.

Evelyn nodded, unable to find her voice. She felt a shiver run through her as Hermione muttered the incantation, the magic washing over her like a cold wave. Her features began to shift and blur, her own face disappearing as the spell took hold. It was a strange sensation—like her skin was stretching and molding itself into something new.

When she finally opened her eyes, Evelyn barely recognized the person staring back at her in the mirror. Her once familiar features had morphed into the sharp, angular visage of a stranger. Her hair was dirty yellow and stringy, falling in uneven strands around her face. Her eyes, once a warm, familiar shade, were now cold and distant, set deep into her gaunt cheeks. The transformation was complete—she looked every bit the part of a Death Eater.

Hermione handed her the bundle of black clothing that Fleur had found. The fabric felt heavy and foreign in her hands as she dressed, pulling on the long, dark robes that seemed to swallow her whole. A hooded cloak completed the ensemble, casting her face into shadow. She barely recognized herself in this new identity—she was no longer Evelyn Riddle, but a figure straight out of Voldemort's inner circle.

"How do I look?" Evelyn asked, her voice trembling slightly as she turned to Hermione.

Hermione nodded approvingly. "Terrifying," she said, a small, reassuring smile tugging at her lips. "You'll fit right in."

Just then, the boys entered the room. Ron had undergone a transformation of his own—his hair was now a long, scraggly brown, and a thick mustache covered his upper lip. He looked like someone who might have been lurking in the shadows of Knockturn Alley, the perfect disguise for their plan. Harry followed closely behind, holding the Invisibility Cloak draped over his arm.

Ron gave Evelyn a once-over, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. "Blimey, Evelyn..."

Evelyn let out a small, nervous laugh, but it barely masked the tension in the room. "You don't look so bad yourself, Ron," she quipped, her voice light despite the gravity of the situation.

Harry stepped forward, his expression serious as he glanced around at the group. He had the Invisibility Cloak draped over his arm, ready for their mission. "We all set?" he asked, his voice steady.

"Just about," Hermione replied, her eyes focused as she held up the vial of Polyjuice Potion. Her hand was steady, but there was a flicker of apprehension in her gaze. Taking a deep breath, she uncorked the vial, the familiar, unpleasant smell wafting out. Without hesitating, she downed the potion in one swift motion.

The change was immediate and unsettling. Hermione's features contorted, her body shifting and elongating until she was no longer recognizable. Her bushy brown hair darkened and straightened into long, black curls, her face sharpened, and her eyes turned cold and calculating. When the transformation was complete, Bellatrix Lestrange stood where Hermione had been, her familiar sneer etched onto her face.

Evelyn couldn't help but shudder, the sight of Bellatrix, even in this form, sending chills down her spine. But she quickly steeled herself, knowing that they couldn't afford any hesitation.

"Well, how do I look?" Hermione asked, twirling in a circle, her voice a perfect mimic of Bellatrix's cold, sharp tone.

"Hideous," Ron siad, eyeing her critically from head to toe. Despite the tension, his comment drew a small smile from Evelyn, though the situation remained anything but lighthearted.

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