Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

Draco and Evelyn walked in silence, the weight of the morning pressing down on them as they made their way to the Great Hall. The air was thick with a mix of exhaustion and grief, dulling Evelyn's senses to the world around her. As they stepped into the hall, the early morning sunlight streamed through the high windows, casting long, haunting shadows on the stone floor. The remnants of battle were still visible, making the scene feel surreal and disjointed.

The hall was eerily quiet at first, but the silence was soon broken as people began to stir, moving towards the courtyard. The crowd grew, a murmur of anticipation and dread spreading among them.

Draco and Evelyn exchanged worried glances, a silent understanding passing between them. Without a word, they joined the throng, their steps heavy with anxiety as they pushed their way to the front. Evelyn's heart pounded in her chest, each step amplifying the sense of foreboding that hung in the air.

When they finally broke through the crowd, Evelyn's eyes were immediately drawn to the bridge. An odd and unsettling procession was approaching, and her breath caught in her throat as she tried to make sense of the scene unfolding before her.

Hagrid lurched forward awkwardly, clutching a body in his massive arms. Ropes extended from his neck in three directions, tethering him like an animal as a trio of Death Eaters jerked him along. Evelyn's heart sank as her eyes shifted from Hagrid to Bellatrix, her cold eyes glittering with malice, then to Narcissa, her face pale and expressionless, and finally to Voldemort himself. He moved with a dark, menacing grace, Nagini slithering beside him, her eyes gleaming with hunger.

From somewhere in the crowd, Evelyn heard Ginny's voice, rising in panic. "Who's that? Hagrid's carrying. Neville, who is that?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Neville opened his mouth to answer but faltered, unable to bear the sight before him. Instead, he looked down at the Sorting Hat in his hand, unable to meet Ginny's eyes or those of the others who were looking to him for reassurance, for hope.

Evelyn closed her eyes, her grip tightening on Draco's arm as she braced herself for what was to come. The procession drew nearer, Voldemort surveying the ruined castle and the beaten crowd with a faint, cruel smile. The sight of him, so triumphant and proud, made Evelyn's stomach turn. Nearby, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and the others stood silently, their faces pale with dread as Hagrid finally came to a halt before them.

All eyes drifted to Hagrid and the limp figure in his arms. Evelyn's breath caught in her throat as she recognized the lifeless body. Harry. 

"No... NO!" Ginny's primal scream cut through the air like a knife as she rushed towards Voldemort, her eyes wide with horror. Arthur stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her, holding her back as she struggled against him. He pulled her closer, his grip tightening as she cried out in anguish.

Evelyn's heart twisted at the sight, the pain in Ginny's cries echoing her own. Her eyes drifted back to Harry, his body so still, so impossibly still. A numb acceptance washed over her, the reality of the situation sinking in.

"SILENCE!" Voldemort's voice thundered over the grounds, his fury palpable as he glared at Ginny. "Stupid girl. You cry for that?" He gestured dismissively to Harry's body, lying limp in Hagrid's arms. "Do not cry for that. He's not worthy of your tears. And do not despair of his betrayal. You were never in his heart. Not for one single, solitary beat."

"Liar!" Ron's voice rang out, raw with pain and defiance.

Voldemort flicked his wand, and Ron crumpled to his knees, a grimace of pain contorting his face. Voldemort sneered, his gaze sweeping over the crowd.

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