Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

Mist had cloaked the castle's parapets, merging seamlessly with the Dementors that drifted like silent sentinels over the grounds. Through the dense fog, the castle lights glimmered faintly, their soft glow a stark contrast to the oppressive darkness outside. The atmosphere was heavy, almost tangible, with the weight of looming danger.

Evelyn had walked with the Gryffindors, her heart pounding in her chest. She had tried to blend in, but her mind had raced with anxiety and dread. The sight of the Hufflepuff students trudging toward the Great Hall had stirred a deep sense of unease within her. Their faces, so devoid of emotion, had mirrored the grim reality of their existence under Voldemort's regime.

The Ravenclaws, marching in lockstep, had moved with a mechanical precision that Evelyn found disheartening. Their silence had been almost oppressive, and she had felt a pang of sorrow for the loss of their once vibrant House spirit.

When the Slytherins had marched by, Evelyn had caught sight of Blaise and Goyle, their faces set in determined lines. She quickly shifted and looked elsewhere, knowing that they would recognize her.

As the Gryffindors made their way down the corridor, Evelyn had felt a strange mix of relief and anxiety. Harry and she had moved within the group, trying to stay inconspicuous. Evelyn had stood close to Neville, her gaze fixed on Harry as he had slipped through the crowd to reach Ginny. The moment Harry had grasped Ginny's hand, she didn't look back at him, but still squeezed his hand in silent acknowledgment.

Entering the Great Hall had been a jarring experience. Each House had stood together, the room buzzing with a nervous energy that seemed to reverberate through the stone walls. The air had been thick with anticipation, each student and staff member acutely aware of the gravity of the situation.

At the Tall Table, the presence of Amycus and Alecto Carrow—standing like grim sentinels—had filled Evelyn with a profound sense of dread. Their cold, calculating gazes had swept over the crowd, adding to the pervasive feeling of oppression. Professor McGonagall, her face ashen and her posture diminished, had stood along the right wall, a stark contrast to the fierce and authoritative figure she had once been. Professor Flitwick, too, had been stationed by the left wall, his usually cheerful demeanor subdued.

When Snape had entered, the room had gone silent, the tension almost palpable. He moved deliberately to the front of the room, his voice, low and monotonous.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you here at this hour. It has come to my attention that earlier this evening...Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade."

The murmur that had followed his announcement had been a mix of excitement and fear. McGonagall's eyes glistened with a combination of curiosity and concern, and Evelyn had felt a pang of sympathy for her.

Snape had raised his voice, commanding silence. "I mention this in the hopes that truth will not be supplanted by rumor. For myself and a few select members of the staff, this comes as little surprise. We have long considered Mr. Potter's return to Hogwarts not only possible but inevitable. Consequently, in recent months, exhaustive defensive strategies had been employed to thwart any attempt Mr. Potter might make to breach these walls. Be warned, however—any student or staff member who attempted to aid Mr. Potter would be considered equally guilty."

"Now then," Snape had continued, his voice cold and commanding, "If anyone here has knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening, I invite them to step forward now."

The silence that had followed Snape's challenge had been almost deafening. Evelyn had glanced around at the nervous faces of her fellow students, feeling a mix of dread and determination. The room had seemed to hold its breath, each person waiting for someone else to make a move.

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