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Day 1-5: Akira and Mikage were thrown into a dark, damp cellar with no food or water. They were forced to rely on their magic to sustain themselves, with Akira creating illusions of food and Mikage conjuring fire to warm themselves.

Day 6-15: Hakuren subjected them to physical torture, stretching their bodies to the limit with gruesome exercises. They were forced to run through treacherous terrain, climb sheer cliffs, and lift heavy boulders.

Day 16-25: Kaito introduced them to "mana burns," a technique that pushed their magic to the brink of collapse. They were forced to cast spells non-stop, their mana reserves dwindling to critical levels.

Day 26-30: Akira and Mikage were thrown into a pit filled with dark creatures that fed on their fear. They had to survive for five days, using their magic to fend off the beasts.

Day 31-35: Hakuren forced them to confront their deepest fears, manifesting illusions that threatened to consume them. They had to overcome their phobias to escape the illusions.

Day 36-40: Kaito subjected them to a final trial, "the crucible." They were trapped in a magical furnace, their bodies burned by intense heat and their magic pushed to the limit.

After 40 days, Akira and Mikage emerged, their bodies scarred, their magic transformed. They had survived the unimaginable, their bond stronger than ever.

Akira and Mikage charged at Kaito and Hakuren, their magic unleashed in a frenzy. Akira's illusions swirled around Kaito, attempting to confuse him, while Mikage's flames engulfed Hakuren.

Kaito smiled, his eyes gleaming with excitement, as he dispelled Akira's illusions with a wave of his hand. Hakuren, meanwhile, summoned a wave of ice to extinguish Mikage's flames.

The two pairs clashed, their magic swirling in a spectacular display. Akira created multiple illusions of himself, each one striking Kaito from a different angle. Mikage unleashed a barrage of fireballs, which Hakuren countered with shards of ice.

Kaito retaliated with a blast of energy, sending Akira flying across the room. Mikage leapt to his friend's aid, summoning a wall of flames to block Kaito's next attack.

Hakuren seized the opportunity to strike, his ice magic encasing Mikage in a frozen tomb. But Akira broke free from Kaito's grasp and shattered the ice with a swift kick.

The battle raged on, the four fighters exchanging blows and neither gaining the upper hand. Akira's illusions confused Hakuren, while Mikage's flames singed Kaito's hair.

In a stunning turn, Akira created an illusion of himself and Mikage combining into a single, powerful entity. The entity unleashed a devastating blast of energy, striking both Kaito and Hakuren.

The two mentors stumbled back, momentarily stunned. Akira and Mikage seized the chance to launch a final, desperate assault...

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