8. Waiting for My Kind Punisher

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When Aelock opened his eyes, he thought for a moment whether there was a barn in the fiery pit of hell. But he soon changed his thoughts. The place where he was lying was not the shed he had been using until now. It was a small humble cottage, and he was lying in what could be called a bed, albeit a rough one, and was covered with a clean blanket.

He slowly got up. The last thing that came to mind was cold water. But now, the place where Aelock opened his eyes was obviously a dry room. He didn't understand how it happened. Under the sliding blanket, his naked body came into view.

Though he washed his skin hard with soap, he still couldn't get rid of the old grime but the smooth and clean skin did not look like that of a street bum, even with the scars and bruises. When he brought his nose close to his arm, he could smell the scent of fragrant flowers. It was as if he entered and came out of the water with high-quality bath salts.

He brought my legs together neatly, placed them on the floor, and got off the bed. He found a table by relying on the faint light that came through the tightly closed wooden window shutters. There was probably a sturdy and large table around here.


On top of it, he felt a soft fabric that smelled like the sunlight. Aelock hugged it and inhaled its scent deeply. There was no smell of the gutter. For some reason, his heart swelled. It was not a forced mask-like smile, but a genuine smile of joy, buried in the cloth and remained there for a long time. Then, slowly, he put it on.

As expected, it was a little short in length. However, it was not so uncomfortable since he was so skinny. As long as he didn't button up the sleeves and the neck, it was fine. His wrists and ankles were sticking out through the ends, but it didn't bother him because there was no one who would make fun of him here.

Aelock, fully dressed, rubbed out the soft texture with his palms and opened the closed window shutters. A bright light streamed in and he had to cover his eyes with his hand. After blinking a few times, his eyes began to adjust to the light with a feeling of drowsiness. Right then, he could see the scenery outside the window.

Not far away, beyond the walls of the cedar trees that stood like bars, the very mansion he saw yesterday revealed its majesty. On the other side of the huge mansion, the tips of cedar trees stretching toward the sky poked out their heads elaborately, like saplings, driven by perspective.

He didn't know what had happened the previous night, but he knew that Klopp had brought him here. Clearly, meeting him yesterday had some other bad consequences. Aelock was afraid of what kind of terrible torture he had prepared for him, who had a genius talent for causing pain. It seemed that he was unable to die of his own volition.

Fortunately, however, Klopp did not abandon him on the streets again but kept him locked up here. At the very least, he won't starve or freeze to death as long as he was here. He would not be subjected to gang rape either. Instead, there would be no conversation, even if it was a worthless combination of sounds and no human body heat. Still, compared to the bottom, this place was like heaven. It wasn't because he was less beaten, less cold, or less hungry.

As long as he stayed in this cottage, Aelock could wait. For Klopp to come to see him.

The first day he spent time sitting on the bed in a daze. He just couldn't believe it. After a terrible time that seemed like an eternity, he didn't feel like he was back here again, so he went in and out of the cottage several times. He circled the small tree house in anticipation of someone coming through the cedar trees that he did not dare to cross. Nothing had changed since Aelock used it in the past. Then, when hunger arrived, he came to his senses.

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