11. Love Again

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"Hey, wake up."

The nudge shook Aelock's body. Aelock barely lifted his heavy eyelids as if it was under a huge statue, and he could see a blurred silhouette. Oh, it's you.

"Don't exaggerate it."

The cold words lowered his body temperature by another degree.

Even as Aelock fought to stay awake, his eyes closed and sank back into the darkness, and a cold sigh could be heard in his dazed ears. That man clicked his tongue as he let out a hot breath through his slightly parted lips.

"Are you being on purpose with washing all the blankets when the temperature has dropped or are you just stupid? Are you being arrogant because you got pregnant? The fireplace is not a decoration."

Aelock wanted to say that he tried to light it, but his words couldn't come out properly. As he heard a murmur of curses, he felt a heavy thing covering his body. It was a men's coat with a chilly, smooth texture and it was a little heavy. It was also very large. Like a blanket, the high-end clothing wrapped around Aelock's whole body smelled bitter.

Aelock instinctively curled up more and breathed in the fabric full of that man's body scent. The scent that filled his lungs at once calmed down his feverish stomach. Was it because he was the father of the child in his belly? Maybe it was simply because he was an alpha who Aelock had his heat with. Either way, the Alpha's body scent gave warm protection to the emotional pregnant Omega with the high fever.

Klopp didn't leave right away after throwing off his coat. He was touching here and there from over the table. He was probably looking at the fireplace. There was a hollow sound of something falling on the floor, and Aelock heard a fierce condemnation.

"You can't even make a fire without a house servant. What a useless fellow."

Being half asleep, Aelock curled up a little more, wrapping his arms

around his body. He knew how to light a fire in the oven, so he thought he would be able to make a fire in the fireplace soon. He moved his body, which was heating up, brought three or four heavy pieces of firewood from outside, and tried to light the fireplace several times. However, no matter how many matches and hints he struck, the hard log wouldn't catch fire, and even when it was barely lit, only a little smoke rose and it would soon go out. He quit because he felt suffocated by the smoke.

He could hear a thud of footsteps and the sound of the door being and c away. Its seemed like that man had left.

Aelock pulled up the coat to cover more of his body, and buried his nose in the collar, the scent coming out deeply. He slightly rubbed his cheeks against it like a baby. There was no such thing as pride. He was just relieved by his own alpha body scent. It was a relief that the man gave his coat to him.

Even if Klopp was spouting harsh words, he couldn't pretend not to see Aelock for the sake of the baby fetus. Klopp was that kind of person.

Klopp wanted a child. No matter what would happen to Aelock, the child would always be cared for. This time too, it was clear that as soon as Aelock gave birth, Klopp would take the baby away before Aelock's dirty hands even managed to reach for the baby. When Aelock thought of that day that would come, he felt like a wind drilled a hole in his heart. Aelock wished Klopp would at least show him the baby's face.

Ah. As the fever rose, it made him think of impossible things. Regardless of the situation, it would be better for the baby to grow up as a fine aristocrat in a warm and clean mansion than to grow up as a criminal's child in this cold cottage.

Even though it was only a coat, Aelock felt warm and fell asleep. Later, he sweated a little because it was too warm, so he tossed his body around and slightly lowered his coat. He was sure that he felt the cold night air was warm.

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