Flashback (9)

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Soobin sped down the highway, his truck's tires screeching as he took the curves with reckless abandon. His heart raced with a mix of fear and desperation, his mind consumed by the thought of losing Yeonjun forever.

He had to reach the airport before Yeonjun's flight took off, had to make one last attempt to stop him from leaving. The scenery blurred together as Soobin pushed the truck to its limits, his knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel.

He couldn't shake the feeling of impending loss, the dread that he might never see Yeonjun's smile again, never hold him close.

Soobin's truck, already on its last legs, suddenly gave out on him. The brakes failed, and the vehicle careened out of control towards the nearby bridge. Soobin's heart sank as he realized he was going to crash. The impact was immense, the sound of crunching metal and shattering glass filling the air.

Soobin's world went dark for a moment, before he came to, groggily opening his eyes to find himself trapped in the wreckage. He tried to move, but a searing pain shot through his back, leaving him gasping for breath. He was aware of a warm sensation spreading down his spine, and knew he was badly hurt.

With a surge of adrenaline, Soobin managed to free himself from the twisted metal, but collapsed onto the pavement, his vision blurring. He knew he had to get to the airport, had to see Yeonjun one last time, but his body refused to cooperate. The pain was too much, and Soobin's world went dark once more.

The local people, who had witnessed the crash, rushed to Soobin's aid, carefully extricating him from the wreckage. They called for an ambulance, and soon, Soobin was being rushed to the hospital, his body battered and bruised. The locals, concerned for his well-being, decided to notify the head of the locality, Park Yoon Hee, who happened to be Yeonjun's grandmother.

Park Yoon Hee, a respected and kind-hearted woman, was deeply concerned when she received the news. She immediately made her way to the hospital, her mind racing with thoughts of Soobin's condition and the possible implications for her grandson, Yeonjun.

Upon arriving at the hospital, she was met with a grim sight: Soobin, pale and weak, lying in a hospital bed, his back heavily bandaged. The doctors informed her of the severity of his injuries, and Park Yoon Hee's heart went out to the young man who had been so desperately trying to reach her grandson.

Soobin's eyes fluttered open, his mind foggy and his body aching all over. He tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through his back, making him gasp. He fell back onto the pillow, his eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings. Where was he?

A gentle voice spoke beside him, "Soobin, you're awake. Thank goodness." It was Park Yoon Hee, Yeonjun's grandmother. She smiled warmly and took his hand.

Soobin's memories came flooding back - the crash, the hospital, his desperation to reach Yeonjun. He tried to speak, but his voice was hoarse. "Yeonjun...where's Yeonjun?"

Park Yoon Hee's expression turned somber. "Soobin, you've been unconscious for three days. Yeonjun and his parents left for Seoul the day of your accident. They didn't know about your condition."

Soobin's heart sank. He had missed Yeonjun. He had failed to stop him from leaving. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he realized the gravity of his situation. He was alone, injured, and Yeonjun was gone.

"Promise me, halmeoni, that you won't tell them about my accident."

Park Yoon Hee's expression softened, and she nodded gently. "I promise, Soobin. I won't tell them about your accident. But why? Why do you want to keep it a secret?"

Soobin's eyes locked onto hers, his gaze intense. "Because, halmeoni, I don't want Yeonjun to worry about me. He's already been through so much, and I don't want to add to his burden. And...and I don't want his parents to use this against me. They already dislike me enough."

Park Yoon Hee's face reflected her understanding, and she patted Soobin's hand. "I understand, child. Your secret is safe with me. But you need to focus on getting better now. You have a long road to recovery ahead of you."

Soobin nodded, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude towards Yeonjun's grandmother. He knew he could trust her to keep his secret, and that gave him the strength to face the challenges ahead.

Soobin's frustration grew with each passing day. He tried calling Yeonjun's number repeatedly, but it went straight to voicemail. He sent messages, but they remained unread. It was as if Yeonjun had vanished into thin air.

Soobin's mind raced with worst-case scenarios. Had Yeonjun's parents forbidden him from contacting Soobin? Had Yeonjun himself decided to cut ties? The uncertainty gnawed at Soobin's heart, making his recovery even more challenging.

Soobin's parents sat beside him, their concerned faces a constant presence in his hospital room. They asked him about his well-being, his recovery, and his future plans. But Soobin couldn't muster the courage to reveal his true feelings to them. He knew that Pohang, their conservative city, wouldn't accept his love for Yeonjun without a fight.

Every day, Soobin wrestled with the desire to confide in his parents, to tell them about the love that had been growing in his heart for so long. But fear held him back. Fear of rejection, fear of disappointment, and fear of being ostracized by their community.

Soobin's secret remained locked deep within him, hidden behind a mask of smiles and nods. His parents, oblivious to the turmoil inside their son, continued to offer words of encouragement and support, never suspecting the weight of Soobin's unspoken truth.

Six months after his discharge from the hospital, Soobin had fully recovered from his injuries. He decided to visit Yeonjun's grandmother, Park Yoon Hee, hoping to find some connection to Yeonjun and perhaps even learn about his whereabouts. However, when he asked his mother about visiting Yeonjun's grandmother, she dropped a bombshell.

"Yoon Hee auntie went to Seoul to live with her son for the rest of her life," she said matter-of-factly. "Nobody lives in their house anymore."

Soobin's heart sank as he processed the news. He had been looking forward to meeting Yeonjun's grandmother, hoping to find some solace and connection to Yeonjun through her. But now, it seemed that she was gone, and the house that held so many memories for him was empty.

Feeling a sense of loss and disconnection, Soobin wandered aimlessly around his room, trying to process the news. He had been so focused on his recovery, and now that he was finally fully recovered, he felt lost and without direction.

As he sat on his bed, staring blankly at the wall, Soobin's thoughts turned to Yeonjun. He wondered if Yeonjun was happy in Seoul, if he had moved on with his life. The thought of Yeonjun living his life without him was almost too much to bear.

With a newfound determination, Soobin made a decision. He would go to Seoul, find Yeonjun, and confess his feelings once and for all. The thought sent a mix of excitement and fear coursing through his veins, but Soobin knew he had to try.

One week later Soobin informed his parents of his desire to travel to Seoul to see his friend Yewon.

Soobin's mother, still concerned about his recovery, suggested, "Why don't you go to the countryside or the beach instead? Fresh air and a change of scenery would do you good." She hesitated, "Seoul is so crowded and noisy, I'm not sure it's the best place for you right now."

Soobin's father, however, was more open-minded. "Let him go, dear. He's been cooped up for too long. A trip to Seoul might be just what he needs to take his mind off things."

Soobin saw his chance and pressed on, "But, Eomma, Yewon's been asking me to visit for ages. And I promise I'll take care of myself. I'll make sure to rest and not overexert myself."

His mother looked uncertain, and Soobin knew he had to reassure her. He added, "I'll be fine, Eomma. I promise. And I'll keep you updated every day."

With his father's support, Soobin's mother eventually relented, though not without some lingering concerns. "Alright, but be careful and don't forget to call us every day."


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