Twenty One🔮

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"So you two made up?" 

Jisung was at Felix's house. Minho had returned to his kingdom three weeks ago and Jisung hadn't heard anything from when he'd see him again. With a soft nod Jisung replied "I think so" He gave a small shrug. 

Felix clapped his hands "How did you two end up making up anyway? I swear he really hated you" he laughed. Jisung looked down at the bowl of chips in front of him and held one between his fingers. "We..." he trailed off - he didn't want to dwell on their one night stand since he never did with anyone else. 

But he eventually found himself thinking about it, more than he should. Even when Minho brought it up the next day he was thinking about it but he just acted like it didn't matter. He knew it did. It wasn't everyday a prince and a prince got together. 

Felix looked at him waiting for his answer "you?" He pressed. Jisung sighed "We...had sex" He uttered above a whisper. Felix choked on his breath "you what!?" 

"I know...It sounds fucked..." Jisung ran a hand through his hair "We hook up and suddenly we're friends..." He mumbled. He knew the real reason was also because Minho caught him using his magic but he couldn't tell Felix that. 

"What in the enemies to fuckers is this?" He asked astounded by the revelation that Jisung had poured out to him. The prince sighed "Look, don't tell anyone...It's bad enough that we actually hooked up...Makes things difficult" He mumbled. 

Felix furrowed his brows "Didn't you have a crush on Minho when you first saw a picture of him?" He asked bringing up old memories for Jisung to which he groaned "Shut up, that was before I met him"

"And then you're dumbass decided to pretend to hate his ass cause he hated you?" He laughed a little as he thought of all Jisung and Minho's circumstances. Jisung groaned and laid his head onto the table. Felix didn't stop there though. 

"And then because he was a actually started to dislike him?" He grinned "And despite all still hooked up with him?" Felix couldn't help but laugh again. It seemed absurd to his brain. "Jisung, how does any of that make sense?" He asked. 

Jisung glanced up at him "It doesn't." he mumbled. Felix raised a brow "You hardly still have a crush on him" He grinned and Jisung looked down at the table. "No, I don't" he mumbled in reply "But doesn't mean he isn't attractive..." he trailed off. 

Felix chuckled "So you hooked up cause you find him hot? Now it makes more sense" he laughed. Jisung sighed "So he's still a dickhead, just a hot one" Felix smiled. Jisung lifted his head off the table. 

"He helped me through a panic attack" He confessed. Felix's eyes widened "He...what??" He sounded almost stunned. Jisung nodded as he remembered the soft tone and look Minho gave him "I never saw him look at me like that before...or talk to me that way before" He recalled in his mind. 

Felix smiled softly "So he's not heartless?" He replied and Jisung chuckled "Yeah he's not heartless" He ate one of the chips. "So you're friends now?" Felix asked to clarify. 

Jisung shrugged "Kinda" He mumbled "I haven't seen him in three weeks and I don't know when I will see him again" he added. Felix frowned "Damn, just when I thought things would get interesting" He sighed. 

Jisung nodded "I don't think my dad really wants to focus on that though, he's more concerned that my anxiety is getting worse cause of how I panicked at the podium for the festival" he sighed "He's been forcing me to go to a therapist about it" 

Felix cringed a little "Forcing you? Jesus" he sighed a little to which Jisung hummed "I know" He sighed and took a sip of his drink. "Like, I'm fine. One slip up doesn't mean I can't handle myself anymore" He replied. 

all falls down//minsungOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant