Chapter 19

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"Columbina, there's still pirates on this island!" Marlayna hissed at her as the two of them stormed into Columbina's apartment, ignoring the scandalized whispers and looks of the Devil Fruit user's neighbors. The minute she stepped inside she began to replace the dancer's costume she'd left the theatre in with the first outfit she could find. She had no clue what she was getting herself into, settling for a pair of black leather leggings, a matching bustier and a leather jacket that had survived a couple of her more serious battles. She completed the look with a pair of boots that had helped her shatter a couple of ribs along the way.

"That asshole completely threw me off!" Columbina shot back at Marlayna, "Both from my hunting game and forcing me to get thrown wildly out of character during what was supposed to have secured my future in this industry!"

"And your big plan now?"

"So fuck, well...trying to fuck him!" Columbina grabbed the door to the cabinet of where her weapons were stored, all but ripping it from its hinges, her Devil Fruit powers waxing and waning in her flustered state. "He's getting stabbed and then chopped into little tiny pieces and when I'm done I'm serving him to the next Sea King I can find."

Columbina hesitated over the dozen or so weapons she had on hand, finally choosing the sai blades she always favored. Beside her she heard Laynie make a sound of dismay.

"You're gonna kill him with the weapons Rayleigh gave you?" Marlayna asked, "Do you really need that old sea dog on your mind right now, BB?"

"It's fine," Columbina assured her, "What's yet another bad memory going to do to me while I go and create one more?"

She turned to address Marlayna before she left her apartment. "I fully intend to return. But if I'm not back before sunrise just donate all of my stuff to the local performer's guild. If I end up dead or half dead and dragged away from here I won't be needing it anyway."


The island was covered in at least twenty-percent forest, a geographical factor that had served her well over the years. And this hadn't been the first time Columbina had lured some poor bastard into the woods only for him to mysteriously disappear afterwards. A husband there who was beating his wife, an uncle there who was no longer allowed around his nieces or nephews at a family function. A boyfriend or two who thought it was a good idea to threaten her when they found out what it was she did for a living, and didn't appreciate her baring her tits to other men. Columbina had never once in her life killed for pleasure, it had always been about survival with her. And with every subsequent kill she made certain that her psyche didn't suddenly develop a taste for it.

And yet, she always wondered if and when that day would come.

She cursed several times as she walked through the main thoroughfare of Indigo Town, trying not to trip over the destruction the pirate crew had caused. She cursed several times more as she caught a glimpse of the sails of Buggy's ship, visible over the canopy of trees as she crept into the woods.

How many times am I going to accidentally give him the upper hand this evening? Because of course she'd suggested he go and meet with this "other girl" right where he and his crew had their prime advantage to secure a hostage or two for themselves instead of oh, the pocket of forest that was literally on the other side of the island.

As she made her way into the dark interior she made no move to mask her pheromones, nor her footsteps. Although Buggy had kept his promise of letting her leave the theatre unmolested if she provided him entertainment, she was well aware that she was being followed.

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