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Since that night it's like a lot has changed, he was there every night in the bar. Watching me work, looking how I serve the people and run my bar. He even talked to Robert now a couple of time. And although he is investing in us I just can't shake this feeling that he knows so much about me already and I don't know that much about him. It makes me feeling lost sometimes.

I leaned to the door frame from my office with my shoulder, my eyes fixed on him, he was talking with Robert about wine, I overheard that they have a discussion which one is better. Italian of Spanish wine. Like I said, his arms propped on the bar while he let Robert read something on his phone. His broad shoulders present, muscle everywhere. With grace he moved back on the bar stool. His hair fixed into a bun, what drives me crazy, his rough beard, framed a face that could have been chiseled from stone. His sharp cheekbones and strong jawline really gave him the look of a viking warrior from ancient lore.

Happy is a feeling I haven't felt in a long time, since that night I hadn't taken a single pill. So I call that definitely progress. We were just preparing everything for tonight. Desire and warmth heated my body when I looked at him, this man is elevating my life at the moment. And I couldn't be more thankful for that. While times passes my curiosity only grew, what he is up to in a daily life. Something I still know nothing about. I even tried to find him on the Internet but there were not hits.

In the time they've gotten to know each other better, at the salsa bar, the electrifying moment by the lake, when he took such good care for me when I was in pain. Dustin is a man preferring to let his actions speak for him. The way he interacted with the world around him, treating me like a puzzle he has to solve.

With care I walked over to the two men when I closed my office behind me. Dustin turned on his bar stool once he noticed my footsteps coming closer. Without even looking up he pulled me closer to him until our bodies pressed tightly to each other.

'What are you two talking about?' I asked, While Dustin kissed the top of my head. 'Hey you' he whispered and looked at me with so much care and maybe even love. Love I couldn't even speak the word out loud. It scared the fuck out of me to love again. Fuck.

Once he greeted me he turned himself back to Robert. 'Did you know that wine production in Spain dates back to at least 1100 BC when the Phoenicians established vineyards in the region. The Romans later expanded viticulture across the Iberian Peninsula.' Dustin said to Robert.

'You for real or are you just making this shit up' Robert replied to Dustin while he eyed him suspiciously. While they chatted I saw Wendy in the corner doing some administration. She doesn't even want to get to know him. 'Give her some time' Robert said and my attention went back to him.

'She worries at lot you know, that this man here is going to break you're heart' he said giving him the side-eye. I nodded in agreement, he was right she is worried about me. Only Dustin is so great to me, I can't even imagine that he would break my heart in any way.

'I am not going anywhere' he said while his arm snaked around my waist pulling me close again.

'Ready for Spain?' Robert asked. Shit. Spain is in only two weeks. I haven't even told Dustin about this.

'Angelo called for you today at what time he need to pick you up from the airport' Robert informed me before he walked back to the kitchen.

Thanks for dumping that on me. Slowly I turned myself to Dustin, his eyes squinted, with a sightly unfocused gaze, as if he was searching for clarity. His eyebrows wrinkled, horizontal lines appeared due to the furrowing of the eyebrows.

'Don't do that, it gives you wrinkles' I said while I pressed my fingers to his forehead. Massaging the worry from his face.

'Spain, you are going to Spain? When were you planning to tell me about this trip and who the hell is Angelo' he burst his voice overflowing from jealousy.

I opened my mouth a couple of times but didn't really know what to say. This is something I has to do for the bar but he doesn't know that I suppose.

'Don't you need to go to work or something?' I asked in a counter question. His lips slightly parted and is tongue ran over his lips, is he trying to seduce me? Because it's working.

'Rory, do you have a minute?' Wendy asked from across the bar, 'later' I promised to Dustin while I left him at the bar and went over to Wendy to help her.

When I walked over I saw Wendy sitting by the window, she seemed to be daydreaming lost in her thoughts tangled in a web of worry and uncertainty. The pale moonlight cast long shadows across the room, giving Wendy a mysterious shadow upon her.

Aurora had always been a beacon of light and hope, her laughter infectious and her spirit unyielding. But lately, she is slipping, Wendy sensed that change in her friend. And it broke her heart.

'Alright what is it, you don't look alright Wendy what is going on?' I asked while I grabbed her hands into mine. My breathing hitched in my throat when she tried to speak her mind.

'Aurora I don't want you to take this in the wrong way. But you have been spending a lot of time with Dustin, a newcomer who stirred the quiet in your life. At first, Dustin seemed charming and mysterious, with his handsome smile and thrilling stories. He knows how to draw people in, and making them feel seen and heard. Rory I care about you, you are my friend, I can't shake the feeling that there is something off about him, something lurking beneath the surface and it's making my skin crawl' she preached, being completely honest with me.

I did spend a lot of time with him, we all saw that, but I care about him. Hell, I'm falling in love with him. Something I promised myself I wouldn't do anymore. She tensed when she saw I wanted to reply to her, her hand fell from mine and she began to pick her nails. She is worried about me I can clearly see that.

And while I didn't want to admit her concerns they were not entirely unfounded. I also had been observing Dustin closely, noting the inconsistencies in his tales and the flickers of something dark and threatening in his eyes. He is not telling me the whole story of who he is and it concerns me. I have to bring it up with him and I know that, but I do am scared that if will ruin what we have build together.

'It's like you've fallen under a spell Aurora, one that might lead you to danger' she went on.

He has never told me about his job, I only knows that he works with his father and brother. But that is it. He won't tell me anything else while he is so invested in my business it looks like he forgets his and why that is, really is a mystery to me. I've taken him home, let him do thing to my body and I let him, enjoyed it even. But my life is an open book to him while his world is closed, at least for me.

When I seem him I light up, he brings out the best in me when he is near. Call me shallow, or easy to trust but the way he makes me feel is power, trustworthy and a leader. He gives me strength to lead. Wendy knows me well, she saw me in my darkest hour and pulled me away from that.

'I'm worried about you' she began, her voice trembling with emotion. 'Ever since he came into your life, you've changed. There is something wrong Aurora, but you don't seem to notice it'.

'Wendy' I began. 'It's not what you think, Dustin is complicated but he cares for me isn't that not enough for now?' I finished.

'That is where you are wrong Aurora, you deserve the world and he is not giving you that right now. Caring is not enough' she cracked.

Tears welled in my eyes and she saw what it did to me, that was the nicest thing she ever said to me. 'Wendy please trust me I got this' I whispered while I pulled her into a hug.

'Please always remember. You are the sun Aurora, don't let his moon overshadow you'.

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