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With my hand hooked in his arm, we walk towards the nightlife of New York. The streets are bustling with life, fun and adventure. The lampposts shine into the street where necessary. This makes the street buzz and come to life. Behind the windows, many nice colored lights can be seen, which makes it almost magical.

'So where are you taking me?' I asked curiously. 'Well, since this is a fairly spontaneous action, we don't have a reservation anywhere, so I'm afraid it will be tacos at a food truck' he chuckles.'A food truck? I wouldn't have expected that from you' I said, genuinely surprised by this action. I don't really know what I expected, maybe an expensive restaurant? Something that fits his lifestyle more.

'What would you have expected from me then?' he asked, his voice raw and pure. Is this the kind of conversation that it will be? He clearly doesn't know what kind of person I really am. I look at him with a grin and catch him already observing me. His beautiful eyes are protected by a soft blanket of thick lashes.

His eyebrows match them perfectly, raw and pure just like his hair and beard. It gives him the perfect "I don't care" look. Maybe that's what he wants to go for.

His eyes turn back to the street where he leads me to an alley. Alleys are usually not a good sign. 'You're not going to kill me, are you, or should I start screaming that there's a man after me?' I asked, partly as a joke but also partly sincere.

'A very handsome man, yes' he completed my sentence, I didn't say very handsome but he's right. He is very handsome and unfortunately his ego knows that too.

He doesn't let himself be put off and pulls me into the alley. 'I know a better place' he said and after walking a few meters I see a salsa bar coming into view.

'Salsa? I hope you know that this is treason to my own business?' this didn't stop him and we walked inside together. He took me to a table in the back with a curtain that can be closed. 'A large jug of sangria' he ordered after which he sat me down on the bench and puts down the curtain. A few seconds later he turns to me and leans forward until his lips almost touched mine. My eyes widened with the almost physical contact. I slowly swallowed my saliva down and leaned back to create some distance.

Soft salsa music is playing in the background and the waitress brings a large pitcher of sangria and two glasses. Dustin doesn't look up or around but keeps looking at me. And to be honest, he had my full attention too. I softly bite my lower lip, this action seemed to stir something in Dustin. He growled softly at me and he took my chin with his thumb and index finger.His fingers feel soft but also rough, as if he has worked a lot with his fingers. This thought alone made me squeeze my thighs together.

'If you bite that lip again I won't be able to resist your lips any longer' he growled softly. This man is so full of himself.

'Who says I would want something like that? Your lips on mine?' he kept gazing into my eyes while I whispered this to him. My warm, hot breath reaching his.

'I know your body better than you know yourself. Right now you're squeezing your thighs together to release that tension. Tension that I would love to make you feel. What I would do to make you come on my tongue' he whispered his eyes never leaving mine.

I lean back and tried to hide my red cheeks from him. Instead of answering I pour sangria for both of us and hand him a glass. He was chuckling, apparently it is hilarious to make me blush like that.

He raises his glass between us, 'cheers' he said.

'To what?' I asked.

'To you, and your beautiful eyes' he said, smiling, sneaky bastard. 'Fine, cheers' I agree with his toast for now. After a sip of sangria he puts his glass back on the table.

'Are you finally going to tell me who you are and why you've been hanging around my bar for weeks?'

'Why would I do that it's so much fun to drive you crazy with that' his hand touched mine on the table.

After a sip I also put my glass on the table and stood up, when I took a step he pulled me down almost on top of him.

'What do you want Dustin? And you can't get away with just saying that I'm beautiful anymore. You took me all the way here you can at least tell me why' I plead. He gives in by also creating some distance between us.

'Fine, you fascinate me and I really want to get to know you better' he said while he continues to look at me.

'Okay Dustin I'm playing this game with you, why am I fascinating you?' I asked him the question in return. The sangria helped me get my vibe back. This man has me completely throwing off my game.

His eyes darkened right in front of my the moment I asked him this question. 'To be honest, your personality seems to draw me in and you are a mystery to me. A mystery I desperately want to unfold'.

I feel a surge of warmth in my chest as I look into his eyes again, knowing he is being honest. At least I think he is. Not that many man are this vulnerable to a woman when they barely know each other. Right? Or am I seeing things?

'Than I have a question for you, why did you say yes?' and he got me there. Why did I say yes? Because my life is falling apart? Because my life is one big joke and I don't have my life together? Because I want to take a chance? A leap of faith? Maybe because of it all.

'I haven't been with a man in a very long time and maybe I wanted to see if I still had it in me' I told him. And while I said this to him I am trying to figure him out. But his face is showing nothing, no sign of trust or truth. Just nothing and I am not really sure if this is a good sign or not.

'But let me tell you this Dustin' and while I spoke I put my hand on his upper leg dangerously close to his crotch. His face lit up with excitement and he gasped from the bold move I just made.

'If you have me, you have all of me. My brain, my soul and my body and boy do I know what to do with this body' I grinned at him.

He bit his lip and it made him seem much more seductive than a few minutes ago, this man knows what he is doing. But he isn't the only one, I can play this game too.

After this moment we shared we backed down and started to talk about our family, parents, brothers and sisters. And I lied to him, I don't know why. He asked about my parents and my brother, I just claimed they died in a fire. Why the hell couldn't I be honest with him? Sure they are dead to me but in theory they are alive, sort of. When the jug with sangria was empty he paid at the bar and took me outside.

'Thanks you for this Aurora, I really enjoyed myself with you tonight' I bet you did mystery man.'I do have to be honest with you Dustin, I don't believe in fairy tales. The happy ending we always see in books or movies don't exist. They are an illusion'.

'Than it's up to me to convince you is it not?' he answered his voice filled with confidence. His face, rough around the edges but something tells me that his heart is in the right place. Why is this man so intriguing to me? So much that I want to get to know this man but something is holding me back. Probably Wendy who is in the back of my mind warning me for heartbreak. She is right, my heart has been broken in the past. I was a wreck after that.

'You are guarded why?' he asked grabbing my hand in his. My eyes darted down to our folded hands. It felt nice, almost safe. It's a long time ago I felt like this. His eyes darted down too and his thumb touched my bruises on my wrist. His jaw clenched when he saw my bruises but he didn't say anything.

When we looked back into each others eyes the worry disappeared and is replaced with sparkling eyes. Like stars in the night sky or Christmas lights on a winter morning. 'Because if I let you do your thing I fall way to easily for you Dustin and we can't have that now can we' I chuckled and his laughter filled the alley we were in.

'Goodnight kitten' he said and kissed my temple before he walked away into the night.

Wanna be yours [billionaire affairs #1]Where stories live. Discover now