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'How could you miss something this important?' Robert and Wendy asked at the same time. Defeated, I sit behind my desk with the letter in my hands. 5 million dollars, what I could do with that kind of money. Money I never had in my life. Not this amount anyway. This is much, much more than what I bought this building for and what I invested in it myself. The zeros on the crispy printed paper start to spin and I put the letter away in confusion. I balled my fists and relaxed them moments later. Little streaks of sweat are starting to form on my forehead and the veins in my neck expanding and relaxing.

'Robert why don't you give us a minute?' Wendy said and within a few seconds I heard him close the door behind him.

'What are you going to do?' Wendy asked as she looked at me, when I looked up at her blue piercing eyes they stared back filled with worry. As if she could read my mind the corner of my mouth turned up in a smile that was everything my sincere. Hiding behind a mask I created years ago.

This money, this could make me really happy. But I am not already there in that happy place? Selling this wine bar, which I've put all my heart and soul into? Starting a new life with 5 million dollars? It is not that this bar isn't a great income for myself now because the bar is doing really well. Why would I want this and why would I have to do this to myself?

The question I want to ask is why put down 5 million dollars for this building? With all due respect Aurora, but this building is not worth it' and she was right. This place isn't worth that much and we both knew it. What do they want with it and who made this offer? Actually very good questions that had not occurred to me yet. I nodded slowly and trying to pull myself together. The letter fell down on the floor, when held the letter again and saw that the offer is made by an anonymous party.

'Don't make this choice too quickly' Wendy affectionately took my hand in a certain form of support.

'Don't worry I'm still a businesswoman. Even though it's a lot of money, I've invested a lot in this. Go back to work I'll think about this properly'. She nodded her head turned and walked back to the main floor. Wendy immediately continued serving customers while Robert started preparing the cheese platters I assume.

As the door closed behind Wendy I dared to breath again. My hands were shaking so bad. What I would give for just one... Angry I shook my head that I could even think about that right now. Just as I type in the number of the real estate agent another number calls. A familiar number that I actually don't want to answer. With a sigh I press the green button.

'You have a collect call from Johnson, an inmate at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility. To accept this call, press one'. Are you fucking joking right now. This is the last thing I want to thinks about.

'Aurora?' he asked once I pressed one to accept the call. His voice sounded in distress, something happened. Damn him.

'Jack, why are you calling?'.

'Can't I even call you to ask you how you've been?' his voice hinted that he was lying. He always lies and always calls for a reason.

'What's wrong Jack, you never call to just ask how I've been you know that?' I asked sighing.In the background I heard him swallowing nervously in conjunction with whispering voices.

'It's about mom, her hearing is next week. Will you be there?' and of course it's about one thing and one thing only. His mother.

'I had no idea, you know that I don't keep count with her hearings I stopped caring about your mother a long time ago'.

'Aurora don't be like that please, she is still your mother too you know. Come visit us, she would like that. We miss you'. My eyes were focused on the wall across from me. Trying to ignore him and what he has to say. That wall really needs a fresh coat of paint, maybe red this time? Porno red.

'Rory are you even listening to me?' he argued.


His nickname for me way back when we were kids.

He knows I can't resist when he calls me like that. 'Fine, tomorrow but don't even try to defend her' he was silent and I took that as an agreement. My thumb found the red button to end the conversation between us. This is just utterly perfect.

Of course this could be added to the list of things that don't add up in my life. I sank back in my chair and slowly massaged my temples. Why is everything has to be so difficult. How on earth am I going to handle this? With everything that's going on and the new theme nights we want to introduce. This is the last thing I was waiting for. Carefully I lay my head down on my desk and take a few deep breaths.

As if Wendy senses it, she comes walking towards me with a glass filled with red liquid. I look at her gratefully and take a small sip. The liquid dances in the glass as I put it back on my desk.

'Jack called, he wants to see me'. Wendy stood still when I said that.

'Take all the time you need alright' she simply said and pinched my shoulder in comfort. She knows that this is a rather sensitive subject that I never really talk about or want to talk about.

With my glass of wine I walk onto the main floor and see Dustin sitting at the bar on one of the dark brown leather covered bar stool sipping his wine. His eyes screening the floor now and then searching for something or someone. And that someone is lurking in the corner also sipping wine and observing this mystery man that just shows up here. Every fucking night. The rest of the room is filled with tension, sexual tension if you ask me. As if it was a haven from the chaos what is brewing outside. A place to escape every piece of reality.

That man drives me crazy and because I can't think clearly now, it's not really the right time. Still, the curiosity remains. There were candles everywhere on the wooden tables, my black dress shines in the candlelight. Just at that moment the music went on and the lights went out. Saturday night is dance night in the bar and the whole city knows that by now. From what I can see because I am still in that peeping corner, the line is already quite long.

'Can I have this dance?' Dustin asked when he had his eyes on me. A minute ago he was at the bar sipping his wine. With a big gulp I knocked back the red wine and took his hand. Why the hell not. My hand fell into his and he hold on like it was the last time he was ever holding my hand. He slowly guided me to the dance floor and stood behind me. His hands moved to my hips where he let them rest tightly. His fingers grabbing my flesh in the most intense ways. His fingers digging in my hips. We slowly moved to the rhythm of the music and I let my head fall on his shoulder. My dark hair covering his shoulder but it seems that he didn't mind. His muscular body moved against mine like we were one with the music. As if the world disappeared I let myself go with this still relatively unknown man, as if I was playing a very dangerous game.

In a normal situation I would never do it this way. In a normal situation I am in favor of long-term relationships, only going to bed with each other if you really feel something for that person or even care in a way. But apparently those five million bucks do more to me than I want to admit. I don't know how long we stood there dancing. I did see people come and go, which must mean it must have been a while. Our bodies moved next to each other until the late hours of that night. My ass moving against his crotch like a seductive creature pulling him into my dying grip. After all this dancing my throat was feeling dry.

'Drinks?' I asked him under the loud music. He shook his head and stayed behind on the dance floor while I went to get some water. When I turned around he was gone.

Wanna be yours [billionaire affairs #1]Where stories live. Discover now