Enemy Of The State

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I love you.

Previously on "Scandal" They're talking about you, Amanda.

Everyone's gonna be talking about you.

(Cyrus) I never dreamed I'd be listening to a tape of you moaning with a White House aide.

Amanda Tanner is blackmailing you, which means that Olivia Pope is blackmailing you.

I need to know if you have any proof of what went on with you and the president.

I'm pregnant.

(Pounding on door) (Pounding continues) You know what's interesting about being engaged? Fiancees don't like it when you get out of bed at 3:00 A.


To go see another woman.

But you called, I came, and I brought our best friend Shiraz.

Liv? (Exhales deeply) Hey, Liv.



I got it.

(Cork pops) Amanda's asleep in the guest room.

I don't want to wake her.

What's up? Whatever it is, we will fix it.

(Wine pours) (Siren wailing in distance) (Sniffles) You should have seen me forcing water down her throat to make her pee.

It was like something out of Abu Ghraib.

(Chuckles) Uh, let me get this clear.

Amanda Tanner is pregnant with the president's baby, yes.

(Bottle clinks) Right.

Are you sure it's his? (Swallows) I'm sure.


I'm sure.

How bad is this for you? I know you're friends with the president, with his wife.

There's no shame in saying you can't handle this.

(Cell phone rings) (Ring) (Ring) What? You'd better come down to the office.

There's an army here.

An army of what? Reporters? Lawyers? An actual army.


We gotta go in.

I need to put on some decent clothes, and we'll take your car because I think I've had too much wine to drive.

I'll be ready in two minutes.


No, I'm fine.


I'm good now.

I can handle anything.

Two minutes.

I didn't know.

They barged in.

They wouldn't even say who they were.

You were alone.

You did the right thing.

I should've stopped them.

I just surrendered, without a fight.

I surrendered the whole office.

(Elevator bell dings) Who's speaking at the O.


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