Beltway Unbuckled

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Oh, David.

Previously on "Scandal" This is bigger than Quinn Perkins.

It's bigger than Olivia Pope.

Maybe someone else wanted Quinn's boyfriend and six other Cytron employees dead? My name is Huck, and I'm an alcoholic.

I like to drink, let's say Whiskey.

The president of the United States had me kicked off the senate intelligence committee and is having my behavior looked into by the ethics committee, and to my thinking, it's because I was reckless enough to talk to you, so now I'm your client pro bono.

Unless you have a conflict of interest.

You're not still tied to the White House, are you? I am not yours.

I don't show up places because you want me.

This is over.

No, no ties.

Really, honey? You needed to spend a few minutes with your girlfriend? Mellie Get over her! Fitz.


There are nine other bedrooms in this place besides our room and this nursery.

You are sweating up the baby's sofa.

I will have to have it cleaned.

If I sleep in one of the other bedrooms, the staff will know.

So then they'll know.

Mellie, if the staff knows, then the press will know in under 24 hours.

Good for them.

Really? You're fine with the press knowing that we don't sleep in the same bed? Tell the press that pregnancy is making me toss and turn, so you're sleeping in another bed so that I can be more comfortable, tell them that you have been staying up late in bed trying to come up with new ways to keep America safe and Democratic and free, and you don't want to disturb my pretty little head with all that thinking, or tell them that I don't want to spend my nights sleeping next to a man who gets erections in his sleep dreaming of Olivia Pope.

Your choice.

I don't care.


I'm kidding.

For now.

When do you leave for the G8 summit? - Next week.

- Can't you leave sooner? - No.

- Why not? Because I can't leave the country I run just because my wife doesn't want to look at my face.




Is that fake sweetener? I'm only asking 'cause my Uncle Dave, he works at a rat lab.

You ever been to a rat lab? It's basically rats running in cages.

Or not running depending on what kind of chemicals they've been pumped with.

Some of the ones with sweetener, they start out peppy, but Then they spit up blood and they die.

But that's just rats.


A Danish.

I saw you got your 6-month sobriety chip the other day.


One day at a time.

It's whiskey, right? Yep.

Scandal: Full Seasons 1-4Where stories live. Discover now