Exhaust Fumes

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Don't forget to press that little 

It's a Friday night, and there are two places any young adult would be in this small rural town

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It's a Friday night, and there are two places any young adult would be in this small rural town. The strip or the field.

My fingers wrap around a link in the metal fence separating me and the paved slab of asphalt about twenty feet away. Two cars go racing pass, exhaust fumes follow in their wake, along with the loud tune of their tail pipes. The excitement as they race towards the finish line is palpable, just watching gets your blood pumping. I don't know either of the drivers but the determination to win is contagious. 

The maroon Ford Mustang is in the lead, but the further away the cars move down the track, it's harder to see who crossed the finish line first.

Two large digital boards, standing tall above the drag strip on either side of the lanes, flash the racers time confirming the Mustang beat it's opponent by

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Two large digital boards, standing tall above the drag strip on either side of the lanes, flash the racers time confirming the Mustang beat it's opponent by .5 seconds. It was a close race, but those .5 seconds mean everything.

My gaze moves back to the starting line as the next two opponents pull up. The black Mitsubishi Evolution roars loudly, the driver reeving it's engine until it hits the red line causing the car to pop in multiple sessions. The car is done up nicely, lots of money put into that engine. I would know, that's my best friend's boyfriend. His opponent, a Subaru WRX, rev's his engine causing the same back fire. A communication between racers, a way of saying, 'It's on!'

"WHOOO! Let's go baby!!" the unexpected scream comes from my left, making me jump. I grasp at my chest, and turn to look at my best friend, "Geszus Tay." I yell.

Taylor laughs as she tucks a few blonde strands of her hair behind her ear, "Sorry V, didn't mean to scare you." she says simply, her attention on the starting line.

"What the hell took you so long?" I ask her curiously. She was seriously gone like fifteen minutes. "I almost called the potty police."

Even though she's not facing me, I can see the roll of her eyes and her thin lips pull back into a smirk, "The line was a mile long, it's like every single person had to pee at that moment. Oh! ' she gasps as if remembering something, "I ran into Jessica too, apparently she's seeing Blake now."

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