Flying Stapler.

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I woke up in a really good mood, but I went to bed in a really good mood

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I woke up in a really good mood, but I went to bed in a really good mood. V was the first thing that came to mind and I couldn't wait to see her again. Hanging out with her was so refreshing, it was fun,and it seemed so natural. All I know is I want to try and spend as much time with her as I can, I want to get to know everything about her. I know without a doubt, we'll be having another night out together, I just have to figure out how. I throw my covers off and sit up, rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hands. I glance at the clock on my DVR box under my TV. Ten thirty. Damn, I slept in. It felt amazing.

I make my way to the bathroom adjoining my bedroom, and start the shower. I drop my boxers, and stuck my hand underneath the spray until it felt hot enough. I step inside the shower, standing right underneath the spout, allowing the water to fall onto my head and slide down my body. My muscles become loose and my mind involuntarily went to a beautiful brunette....

I shut the water off, open the curtain and grab the towel hanging from the rod right outside the shower. The bathroom was all steamed up, the mirror covered with moisture. Shifting the towel on my hair with my left hand and wiping the water from the mirror with my right. I wrap the towel around my waist, my short hair sticking in all directions. It's gotten longer in the short time I've been back home. I brush my teeth, then swoosh some mouth wash around,spitting it out into the sink. Leaving the bathroom, I get dressed and glance at the clock. Eleven. I definitely took my time, but I feel even more relaxed than before. I grab my wallet off my dresser, putting it in my back pocket and walk out my room, closing the door behind me.

I want to drive right over to the garage, but I don't want to seem too eager. I go into the kitchen to see what kind of grub we have. I glance into the fridge, and check the expiration date on the eggs.They expire tomorrow, thank fuck! I'm going to need to go to the store. I flip on the stove top and crack open the six eggs into a bowl. I pull out a pan and throw some butter on, when it's hot enough, I add the eggs. I make myself scrambled eggs, and throw some bread into the toaster. I take my plate into our dining room, and sit at the massive table, that can easily sit eight, by myself. It's so quiet I can hear the grandfather clock ticking from my father's study two rooms over. I devour my weak breakfast, needing to get out of the house, like now. I rinse off my plate, but leave it in the sink and beeline for the door.

I stop to fill up my car before going to the garage, so by the time I actually arrive, it was almost noon. The garage closes in two hours, I have no plans for tonight, and Vance hasn't mentioned anything. All the bay doors are open, a car in each, but I notice V's car is still parked off on the side. I wonder if they were able to look at it yet. I park my car closest to the office door and stroll inside, the bell above the door announces my arrival. There's no one at the desk, the radio is on but it's low, V comes bouncing from around the corner. She's wearing a Vince's Auto t-shirt, some tight black leggings and her hair pulled up into a pony tail. She looks perfect. 

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