I'm Not Ten Anymore.

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It's almost midnight, Jerry went home claiming that he has a big bed he can sprawl out on, rather than sharing a bed with two girls or sleeping on the floor

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It's almost midnight, Jerry went home claiming that he has a big bed he can sprawl out on, rather than sharing a bed with two girls or sleeping on the floor. Taylor is passed out next to me. We came up to my room after watching the last movie they picked, some freaky ass shit that has me looking to my open closet. Assholes.

None of my brothers were home yet, and I'm going to be pissed if they're not up and ready to go to Harry's tomorrow morning. I sent both Vin and Vance a text telling them so, but not surprisingly, I haven't heard back from them.

My phone buzzes and my heart picks up, Me and Chase have been texting almost all night. It has me completely giddy and just so confused. I hate to assume that he likes me, but it seems obvious at this point. Why else would he be at a bar, where I'm sure there's tons of girls, and he's texting me. Not to mention he put his number in my phone, like he had this planned already. Gah. I hate over thinking shit, and I feel like that's what I'm doing.

I look at Taylor, her blonde hair is all over, her mouth is parted, and her breaths are even.

"Taylor am I over thinking this?" I ask her.

I put my pointer finger on her chin then move it like she were talking,making my voice a little higher, "Yes, yes you are bitch."

I move my finger away and sigh, "I knew it! Thanks Tay."

I laugh at myself. Taylor lets out a snore and rolls onto her side facing away from me.

"Good chat." I mutter. My phone vibrates and I pick it up off my chest, swiping it open.

McSwoony: Yes.

And there it is. He rather be texting me than being 'busy'.

Okay. Alright.

My palms are sweating. What do I say back? I look at Tays back, "What do I say?" I whisper. My phone vibrates in my hand, but Chase hasn't sent another text. I go back into my messages, and see Vin has. A simple text telling me to be ready by 9am. I set an alarm for 8:30am and sent him a quick one word response.

Back to Chase...

Me: I'm flattered, glad I can keep you out of trouble and disease free.

That's playful, right? I don't want him to know how much his response really mean't. I put my phone on my chest, and I wait for his response.

♦ ♢♦ ♢♦ ♢♦ ♢♦ ♢♦

I'm startled awake by the vibrating on my chest, and the loud ringing. Shit. I grab my phone and turn off my alarm. Taylor groans next to me, "What the fuck was that?" she mumbles.

"My alarm. Sorry."

She mumbles something incoherent.

"I'm going to the junk yard, I'll be back."

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