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Hi There!

Thank you for checking out my story, Labeled! I really hope that you'll find it enjoyable, and if you do, please vote and know I love comments!

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If you find yourself loving Labeled, and would like to create fun graphics, I would love to see and share them! Send them to Make sure to title it properly so it doesn't get spammed, or you can always message me on here!

Please keep in mind what I post is a very, very rough draft.

I'm hoping to, one day, have this published but I have a long way to go and a lot to learn. My main goal is to entertain you, the reader. If my story makes you laugh, swoon, smile, melt, cry..whatever emotion I can provoke in you, THAT is what I'm aiming for.


How Labeled came to be:  I came across one book, that I really enjoyed until it took a turn, and I lost interest. I was a bit disappointed and I thought what would I have done different if I was the author. We all read and think differently. While driving to work one day, Veronica and her brothers started to take form, then came Chase. Then whole brother's best friend/little sister cliché. I love clichés, but I was hoping that I could bring something a bit different.  If there's one thing to know about me, I love cars and I've found very few books that dabble in the car world. I also wanted to create a kick ass girl who readers would love.

 I also wanted to create a kick ass girl who readers would love

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Just a heads up, there is cursing and sexual content. We are dealing with four foul mouth brothers. If that's not your sort of thing, this story may not be for you! 

 If that's not your sort of thing, this story may not be for you! 

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