special chapter: (please) say yes

161 11 10

And I swear that everyday you'll get better
You make me feel this way somehow

Jungwon catches the melody drifting from the other side of the door, accompanied by the gentle strumming of a guitar. And with a soft knock, he quietly lets himself into the small studio.

Jay's sitting on a chair, his back turned to the door, but he stops playing and glances over his shoulder to see Jungwon.

"Hey, Jungwonie. What's up?"

Just minutes ago, Jungwon had texted Jay asking of his whereabouts. They had come to the company together earlier in the night, along with Heeseung, to work on music, but Jungwon wasn't entirely sure if Jay was still around or had already gone back to the dorm. But, despite the late hour, the older hadn't left.

"I wrote some lyrics for our song," Jungwon approaches, raising an eyebrow. "Want to take a look?"

"Absolutely," Jay replies, a smile spreading across his lips.

Jungwon opens the notes app on his phone and hands it to Jay, before taking the empty seat beside him.

Now that they had gotten a two-week break from their usually hectic schedule, Jungwon doesn't know what else to do, except keep working on music. The other members feel the same; no day passes without at least one of them spending a few hours at the company.

The break is necessary though, especially after the past month's turmoil — the constant unknown calls, invasion of privacy and stalking, have left everyone mentally exhausted. But music has always been a refuge for them (besides their mandatory therapy sessions), hence why they find themselves in the studio, even in the dead of the night. Like tonight.

Jungwon had spent hours just listening to music in his small cubicle, drawing on inspiration to write lyrics for a song on their upcoming album called Hundred Broken Hearts. The main theme of the song, as the producer had told him, is love and resilience, focusing on the determination to avoid the typical love stories that end in heartbreak.

Currently, only the chorus and the first verse are officially written and Jungwon got the opportunity to contribute as well — from experience. But Jungwon doesn't have that sort of experience.

So, the only thing he can do is imagine. Imagine what it's like to love someone deeply that he'd be willing to protect at all cost and ensure their happiness no matter what.

Of course, Jungwon would do this for his family — both his biological and his second family, the members. But that's not the romantic feeling the producer's looking for, so Jungwon digs deeper.

And he finds something.

In thirty minutes, he's able to come up with some lyrics that he feels both pretty content and proud of.

We're different, go on, go on, I swear
I won't, I won't leave the pain
Happy end, serеnade of destiny, yeah

And the first person he wants to share them with is Jay.

Jay whom Jungwon knows will be excited to see them and will offer words of encouragement and compliments as he usually does. Jay who's always sweet and beyond nice to Jungwon, even when the latter is in the wrong. Jay who's extremely thoughtful and accommodating to Jungwon's needs.

Like when they share a room and Jay does everything — all the tedious things Jungwon's lazy to do. Perhaps Jay's accommodating nature has become so routine for Jungwon that he sometimes takes it for granted.

He takes Jay for granted. Or he at least he did, for a long time. But he can't do that anymore — Jungwon realized.

"They're amazing, Jungwonie. I'm sure the producer will choose them for the song," Jay interrupts Jungwon's thoughts, beaming at him.

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