Android OCs: the Models

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Model I:


Gender: Fluid.

Height: Varies but usually between 5 and 6 feet tall.

Android Type: Infiltrator, Hacker and Phantom hybrid.

Personality: usually very monotone but cool calm and collected in any situation as well as polite.

Likes: the finer details in some things, museums, listening to music, hanging out with X and S.

Dislikes: when their artificial skin is torn off, failed stealth missions/having to go loud.

Appearance: varies depending on the mission but usually takes on the form of a bald man with green eyes and a fancy suit. But when the disguise is failed, they look very mechanical and armored underneath.

Weapons: a briefcase that usually has a collapsed sniper rifle inside, throwing knives that are built into their thighs, paralyzer/tranq injectors that double as pistols built into the top of their wrists as well as hidden energy Blades in their wrists that can extend into swords, tripwires in their heels that can be deployed, a hidden UTS-15 style shotgun or P90 style SMG in their back.

Abilities/Tech: able to hack through the toughest defenses in a matter of seconds, able to phase through walls and other projectiles without harm, advanced cloaking tech, able to create a thick smoke screen from their body, artificial skin is made up of nanites, allowing them to change their appearance at will, can pass as a human in every test except for getting shot.

Weaknesses: high caliber rounds, powerful EMPs can temporarily disable their cloak and phasing abilities.

Additional Info: None yet...

Model N:

Nickname(s): N, Mechromancer (joke name), Hellraiser, Creeper.

Gender: None.

Height: 6'0

Android Type: Necromancer, hacker hybrid.

Personality: Though it might not look like it they're actually pretty polite and calm, can get serious when needed.

Likes: Reading and is most often found in libraries, fantasy and classical themes, hanging out with Model X, meditating.

Dislikes: being interrupted, not being able to find a book that interests them, being picked on.

Appearance: looks very mechanical overall, wears a black cloak with the hood up, wears a purple scarf, has four arms with claws, a purple light going from their forehead to their chin, purple nanite canisters (4 on their back, 1 on each arm and leg)

Weapons: nanites in arms can be launched in "bombs" and cause rapid decay (both organic and artificial), SMGs built into the underside of their arms, claws.

Abilities/Tech: able to use nanites on their back to "raise" dead machines and control them to their will (same thing with human or some other organisms but it takes more time), able to hover with special thrusters on their ankles and knees, cloaking tech, decent hacking abilities.

Weaknesses: strong EMPs can stun his undead creations for a short period of time.

Additional Info: has been teased on having a crush on Model X and very much dislikes that and doesn't have a crush on him... Maybe...

Model S:

Nickname(s): Spider, Recluse, Tarantula, S.

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10

Android Type: Web Weaver.

Personality: Calm, very chill and nonchalant, but gets in a bad mood when she's interrupted from a nap.

Likes: taking naps, knitting, picking on the others with her spider-like limbs and nets/silk, Spiders, Spider, Jewel, Yellowjacket.

Dislikes: Torch, Fire, people trying to flirt with her, birds (aside from Watcher).

Appearance: all black in color with four blue eyes and no mouth (yet she can speak), wears an extremely durable skintight suit, black boots and looks more mechanical overall.

Weapons: spike launchers on her shoulders, spider-like limbs are very sharp and can launch various nets and extremely strong silk out of them as well as energy rounds, fingers are clawed and sharp.

Abilities/tech: has eight thin spider-like limbs that can retract into her back, mostly made up of nanites which allows her to mimic shadows for stealth as well as heal herself, very fast and deadly accurate, amazingly strong design her appearance, cloaking systems.

Weaknesses: fire, spider-like limbs are thin and though but surprisingly brittle.

Additional info: surprisingly enough she's good friends with Jewel and used to make outfits with her.

Model X:

Nickname(s): Death (in some rumors), Grim.

Gender: Male

Android Type: Reaper

Height: 6'0

Personality: hardly talks and speaks using signs, gestures etc, dead serious, violent and merciless in combat.

Likes: unknown, but has been up for debate in rumors.

Dislikes: seemingly everything save for a few people and androids.

Appearance: Faceless, usually wears a slightly torn and black cloak with the hood up, usually wears armor most of the time.

Weapons: Hands can switch to large scythe blades connected to chains with sharp blades attached to the chain, shoulder mounted precision laser on right shoulder and a mine launcher on the left shoulder, fingers are clawed and sharp, has several hidden blades on his body.

Abilities/tech: mostly made up of nanites which allows him to take on a shadow-like appearance for better movement speed and to phase through some objects as well as heal himself, very fast and deadly accurate, amazingly strong design his appearance, cloaking systems,

Weaknesses: almost none, can be a bit reckless at times in combat though.

Additional info: has a past similar to Cobra's, can be seen hanging around with the Titans from time to timetime, grim reaper/fallen angel in disguise? Has been known to use charred, but extremely sharp, wings, to move so fast it almost looks like he's teleporting and summon spikes if ticked off.

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