Bumblebee's Unexpected Request

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As the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow over Sonic Drive-In, a new arrival caught everyone's attention. The rumble of a powerful engine grew louder, and soon, Bumblebee, the iconic Autobot, rolled into the parking lot. His sleek yellow and black exterior shimmered under the evening light, making him the center of attention.

Sonic skated over to Bumblebee's vehicle, his wheels whirring smoothly over the pavement. The drive-in fell silent with anticipation as Sonic approached. Bumblebee's windows lowered, revealing the Autobot's glowing optics and a digital display that flashed a friendly message: "Good evening!"

"Hey there, Bumblebee! What can I get for you?" Sonic asked, balancing on his skates and giving a cheerful wave.

Bumblebee's voice, transmitted through his speakers, responded with a rumbling yet friendly tone. "Hey, Sonic! I've heard great things about your place. I'd love to try one of your chimichangas."

Sonic's eyes widened with surprise. "A chimichanga? You got it! One chimichanga coming right up!"

Tails, who was diligently managing the order queue, quickly processed Bumblebee's request and relayed it to Deadpool. The Merc with a Mouth grinned beneath his mask as he began preparing the chimichanga, ensuring it was perfectly chilled and ready for delivery.

"Chimichanga on ice!" Deadpool called out, adding his usual flair to the preparation. He carefully chilled the meal with his device, making sure it stayed fresh.

With the order ready, Sonic grabbed the tray and skated back to Bumblebee. He effortlessly maneuvered around parked cars, weaving through the lot with practiced ease. When he reached Bumblebee, Sonic carefully placed the tray on a small platform that extended from Bumblebee's side.

"One chimichanga, just the way you like it!" Sonic announced with a grin.

Bumblebee's display lit up with a happy, animated face. "Thanks, Sonic! You and your team really know how to make a great impression."

As Bumblebee enjoyed his chimichanga, the drive-in's patrons marveled at the sight of the legendary Autobot dining with Sonic, Tails, and Deadpool. The evening buzzed with excitement and camaraderie, a perfect end to a day of unparalleled fun and fantastic service at Sonic Drive-In.

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