Enter Gru

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The strange but lively atmosphere of Sonic Drive-In was still buzzing after Vector and Starscream's fiery entrance. Sonic was just starting to think the night couldn't possibly get any weirder when a series of high-pitched giggles and the sound of distant mechanical whirring filled the air. Everyone turned to see a massive vehicle approaching the drive-in, black and sleek with gadgets popping out from all sides. At the helm of the vehicle was none other than Gru, the infamous supervillain-turned-hero, flanked by hundreds of his Minions, all chattering excitedly in their strange, banana-fueled language.

The vehicle came to a stop with a hiss of steam, and the doors slid open. Out poured the Minions, bouncing and laughing as they flooded the parking lot, climbing over tables, each other, and anything they could get their tiny hands on. Gru stepped out in his signature gray scarf, looking around with a proud smile.

"Ah, Sonic Drive-In! I have heard many things about this place," Gru said, rubbing his hands together with glee. "And after seeing Vector crash down to Earth like a flaming marshmallow, I knew it was time to come and see for myself!"

Sonic zipped over to greet Gru, dodging Minions left and right as they ran amok. "Hey, Gru! Didn't expect you to drop by, but the more, the merrier! What can we get you and your...uh, large group of friends?"

Gru glanced around at his chaotic army of Minions, who were now climbing on the Avengers' table, poking at Iron Man's suit, and tugging on Spider-Man's mask. He sighed with mild exasperation before turning back to Sonic. "They are a handful, yes. But we are very hungry. I'll need...hmm... let's say five dozen chili dogs, two dozen cheeseburgers, and...oh! And bananas! If you have them. Lots of bananas."

Sonic chuckled. "Bananas, huh? I'm sure we can dig some up." He skated back to relay the massive order to Tails, while Deadpool scratched his head.

"So, let me get this straight," Deadpool said, looking at Gru. "You're telling me that you came all the way here because you saw Vector get turned into a screaming comet and thought, 'Yeah, let's get some food from that place'?"

Gru nodded. "Exactly! Plus, it's not every day that you see such a wide variety of characters from across the multiverse gathered in one spot. And I have a soft spot for chili dogs."

One of the Minions ran up to Deadpool, tugging on his red suit and pointing to the grill with wide, hopeful eyes. "Banana?"

Deadpool sighed dramatically but gave in to the cuteness. "Fine, fine. I'll find some bananas for you little yellow guys. Just don't start a food fight—or do, but make sure I'm not in the middle of it."

As the Minions spread out, exploring every corner of Sonic Drive-In, Gru walked over to where Vector was sitting with his food, still looking a little dazed after his reentry to Earth. "Ah, Vector," Gru said with a smirk, "I see you've been busy. How was your trip to the moon?"

Vector glared at him but didn't have the energy to muster a proper retort. "I'm not talking about it."

Gru chuckled and patted him on the back—perhaps a little harder than necessary—before making his way to the food counter to oversee the Minions' feast. Sonic zipped back over with trays piled high with food, his grin never fading.

"Alright, Gru, here's your order: five dozen chili dogs, two dozen cheeseburgers, and—Tails found some bananas for your little guys!"

The Minions cheered in unison, piling onto the trays and grabbing as many bananas and chili dogs as they could hold, devouring them with gleeful enthusiasm.

As the chaotic feast continued, Sonic watched the spectacle with a grin. "Well, I gotta say, Gru, you and the Minions know how to make an entrance."

Gru crossed his arms, smiling smugly. "Of course! It's what we do best. And now that we have our food, I think we'll stick around for a bit—after all, I wouldn't want to miss whatever happens next."

Deadpool leaned over to Sonic, still holding a banana one of the Minions had shoved into his hand. "You know, for a guy who used to be a villain, Gru's not half bad. But these Minions? They're everywhere."

Sonic laughed. "Yeah, but it just adds to the fun. Who knows who's gonna show up next?"

And with that, the night continued, with Gru and his Minions joining the ever-growing crowd of heroes, villains, and misfits, all gathered together under the neon lights of Sonic Drive-In for a night that no one would soon forget.

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