Goku, Piccolo, and the Straw Hats' Mega Order

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Just when everyone thought the night couldn't get any crazier, the sound of wind whooshing through the air caught the attention of everyone at the Sonic Drive-In. Sonic, who was chatting with Tails and Deadpool, looked up to see none other than Goku descending gracefully on his Flying Nimbus, his orange gi billowing in the breeze.

Goku hopped off the cloud, his trademark grin stretching from ear to ear. "Hey, Sonic! This place smells amazing! I'm *starving*!" His stomach growled loudly, punctuating his point.

Sonic, amused, rolled up on his skates. "Let me guess, Goku—you want a big order?"

Goku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Yeah, could I get... let's say five dozen chili cheese burgers? That should keep me going for a while!"

Tails' eyes widened in disbelief. "Five *dozen* chili cheese burgers?!" he repeated, already processing the massive order.

Before Sonic could reply, another car rolled smoothly into the parking lot, its sleek design glowing under the drive-in's lights. Piccolo stepped out, looking as stoic as ever. He gave Goku a sideways glance, clearly amused by his Saiyan friend's never-ending appetite.

"I'll just take a dozen of whatever Goku's having," Piccolo said coolly, crossing his arms. "But make it spicy."

Sonic chuckled and nodded. "You got it, Piccolo. One dozen chili cheese burgers—extra spicy."

Just as Tails began relaying the order, a loud *splash* echoed from the waterway entrance beside the drive-in. The waves parted as the massive figure of the Thousand Sunny sailed into view. The Straw Hat Pirates had arrived!

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, and the rest of the crew waved excitedly from the deck as the ship gently anchored near the dock. Luffy, always full of energy, stretched his arms impossibly far to grab the edge of the drive-in and launched himself onto the land with a dramatic landing.

Sonic skated over with a curious grin. "Luffy! Straw Hats! What can I get for you guys?"

Luffy grinned, bouncing on his feet. "We'll take ten dozen chili dogs and ten dozen of everything on the menu!"

"Everything?!" Sonic exclaimed, barely able to believe it. Even Goku and Piccolo raised their eyebrows in surprise.

"That's right!" Sanji called from the ship's deck. "We're hungry after sailing all day, so we need the works!"

Deadpool was already in action, grabbing armfuls of ingredients and preparing to tackle the mountain of food that the Straw Hats had just ordered. He whistled as he worked, clearly enjoying the challenge.

With Tails coordinating the massive orders, Sonic zoomed between customers, delivering trays of burgers, chili dogs, fries, and shakes as fast as he could. Goku, Piccolo, and the Straw Hats all gathered around their respective spots, digging into their enormous meals with gusto.

Goku, in true Saiyan fashion, powered through his five dozen chili cheese burgers in record time, his eyes lighting up with each bite. Piccolo savored his food a bit more slowly but clearly enjoyed the extra heat from the spice.

Meanwhile, the Straw Hats treated their feast like a grand celebration. Luffy devoured chili dogs faster than anyone thought possible, while Zoro challenged Sanji to see who could eat the most burgers. Usopp and Chopper cheered them on, while Nami and Robin enjoyed their food at a more relaxed pace.

As the chaos of the massive orders unfolded, Sonic, Tails, and Deadpool kept the energy high, ensuring that everyone was well-fed and happy. The drive-in was louder and more alive than ever, with laughter and cheers echoing through the night air.

By the end of the evening, everyone had eaten their fill, and the parking lot and waterway were filled with satisfied customers. Goku stretched lazily on the Flying Nimbus, Piccolo leaned against his car with a small smile, and the Straw Hats lounged on the deck of the Sunny, content and full.

Sonic, still skating effortlessly, looked around at the scene and grinned. "This might just be the wildest night we've ever had."

Tails nodded in agreement. "And I don't think it's slowing down anytime soon!"

Deadpool laughed as he wiped down the grill. "Hey, as long as we've got chili dogs, burgers, and chaos, I'm here for it."

And with that, Sonic Drive-In officially became the ultimate hub for heroes, pirates, and Saiyans alike—a place where wild orders and even wilder adventures were always on the menu.

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