Silver Joins the Crew, Chat Noir Crashes

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The wild night at Sonic Drive-In showed no signs of slowing down. With Gru and his Minions still feasting on chili dogs and bananas, and the Avengers trying to keep their composure despite the Minions' antics, Sonic was just thinking about grabbing a quick breather when a new face appeared behind the counter.

"Hey, Sonic! Need a hand?" came the voice of Silver the Hedgehog, as he teleported in with a burst of psychic energy.

Sonic turned and grinned. "Silver! Good to see you, buddy. I could definitely use some help around here. Things have been *crazy*."

Silver smiled, floating slightly off the ground as he took stock of the situation. "No worries. I'm here to help. Looks like you've had quite the lineup of customers tonight!"

"Tell me about it," Sonic said with a laugh. "Think you can handle the grill? Deadpool's doing his best, but we're running low on chimichangas."

Silver nodded confidently. "Leave it to me!"

As Silver floated over to the kitchen to take over, the air around Sonic Drive-In suddenly shifted with a familiar crackle. Sonic looked up, sensing something—or someone—falling from the sky.

"Uh-oh," Sonic muttered. "We've got another one incoming!"

Sure enough, hurtling through the atmosphere like a green streak, Chat Noir was in freefall, his yoyo trailing behind him as he tumbled through the sky.

"WHOOOOOOOAAAAAA!!!" Chat Noir screamed, flailing helplessly. His descent was far from graceful, clearly propelled by something—or someone—sinister. And just as Sonic suspected, Monarch had sent him crashing down to Earth.

With perfect timing, Silver's eyes glowed as he activated his psychic powers. "I got this!"

Silver extended his hand, using his telekinesis to slow Chat Noir's fall just before he could slam into the ground. Chat Noir hovered inches above the asphalt before gently touching down, dazed but unharmed.

Sonic skated over to him. "Whoa, dude! You alright? That was one crazy fall."

Chat Noir blinked, looking around, his black cat ears twitching as he tried to get his bearings. "Where... where am I?"

"You're at Sonic Drive-In," Sonic said with a chuckle. "Looks like you had a rough landing."

Chat Noir groaned as he stood up, dusting off his suit. "Ugh, Monarch hit me with something that sent me flying. This is what I get for trying to stop him without Ladybug..."

Before Chat Noir could continue, another figure appeared on the horizon, gliding gracefully toward the drive-in. It was Kagami, her dark hair flowing behind her as she rode on the back of her dragon-like companion, Ryuko. She landed with perfect poise, her sharp eyes immediately finding Chat Noir.

"Kagami!" Chat Noir exclaimed, relief flooding his voice. "Am I glad to see you!"

Kagami dismounted and strode over to him with her usual confidence. "It seems I arrived just in time. Are you alright?"

Chat Noir nodded, still a little shaken. "Yeah, I'm fine... Just, uh, got launched here by Monarch."

Kagami raised an eyebrow. "You need to be more careful."

Sonic, ever the hospitable host, grinned. "Well, you're both in the right place for a break. We've got chili dogs, burgers, chimichangas, you name it. And trust me, after the night we've had, a couple more heroes falling from the sky is just par for the course."

Kagami looked around, taking in the bizarre mix of heroes, villains, and Minions. "This place is... unusual."

Chat Noir, finally able to breathe again, smiled at Kagami. "I kind of like it. It's got a vibe."

Silver floated back over, having already whipped up a fresh batch of food. "Alright, everyone! Fresh chimichangas, chili dogs, and some special orders coming right up!"

Deadpool leaned over, giving Silver a thumbs up. "Nice job, new guy! You're a natural."

As the group settled in, with Silver now officially part of the Sonic Drive-In crew and Chat Noir and Kagami finding a moment of peace, the night continued to grow stranger and more exciting by the minute. The chaotic mix of characters had found a strange harmony under the neon lights, where even the most unexpected arrivals—whether from space, another dimension, or a villain's scheme—were always welcome.

And so, Sonic, Silver, and the rest of the crew kept the food flowing, ready for whatever—and whoever—would drop in next.

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