"Hospital trip"

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Caitlin pov
We got to the hospital I carried Katie inside and we had to wait in the waiting room.

Katie finally got called

She turns to me before we go in "cait im scared"

"Hey it's ok you will be fine I will be with you" I say

"O..ok" she says a little panicky

We go in and Katie sits on the bed and holds my hand for comfort. After while the doctor came in.

"So miss mccabe what happened with your eye" the doctor said

"Um we were at a cafe and someone came and punched me really really hard" Katie says

"Ok well we are going to have to examine your eye so if I could get you to soet out please" the doctor says to me

"No she not going she staying" Katie says

"I'm sorry but she has to leave" the doctor said

"No she not leaving" Katie says and holds my hand tighter

"I'm sorry but she can only stay if she family" the doctor says

"She is family... she my girlfriend" Katie says

"Ok then you can stay" the doctor says to me

I blush a little when Katie called me her girlfriend.

The doctor examines Katie's eye and says that she will have to keep an eye on it because it's quite bad.

The doctor leaves to go get Panadol for Katie and we talk

"Sorry for calling you my girlfriend I was panicked and wanted you to stay" she says

"Hey it's ok liked it" I say and smile at her

Katie blushes and turns her head away so I  didn't see even tho I did.I laugh.

"I did I just make THE Katie Alison McCabe blush" I say

"Maybe you did maybe you didn't" she says and looks me in the eyes

Me and Katie keep the eye contact until the doctor came in

"So you need to take these it should ease the pain , but Katie I'm gonna get you to stay the night just to make Shute your eye is better in the morning and before you wake yes your girlfriend can stay"the doctor says

"Oh ok thank you"Katie says back to her

Katie pov
It was a little while after the doctor left my eye still hurt a little bit. I was still holding Caitlin's hand for comfort.

I was getting tried and I could tell Caitlin was as well.

"Cait" I ask her

"Yeah what's up Kay?" She says

"Can you kay with me please" I ask nervously

"Of course I can" she says

Caitlin gets up off the chair and in to the bed with me and I lay me head on her chest and have my arm wrapped around her waist and she stokes my hair.

I could feel myself keep drifting off then waking back up.

"It's ok go to sleep beautiful I got you" she whispers in my ear

Caitlin pov
It was getting late Katie went to sleep and I forgot to tell the girls that we were at the hospital so I decided to text them.

The text
Group chat
Cf:hey guys just in case you are wondering where me and Katie are we are at the hospital x
Kcc:omg what! Why?
Ar:are yous ok?
Lw: omg what happened?
Bm: why are you in hospital what happened?
Cf:um Katie's ex came over to us when we were having a coffee and she went to punch me then Katie stepped in front of me and took the punch it was really really hard and she said she has had worse than but then I wanted it to be checked out so we went to the hospital and the doctor said is really really bad so we have to stay the night and Katie wants me to stay so we mi hi g not be home until like 12 tomorrow
Bm:omg tell Katie I sis I hope she gets better x
Kcc:oh no I'm gonna kill Katie's ex and I hope she's ok and tell her I love her x
Lw:tell her I said get well soon x
Ar: hole she gets better and we will be waiting when she gets home x
Cf:will do, Ima go to sleep now x
End of texts

Back at the house
Kyra pov

"Oh I am going to kill that ex of hers" i say and gets up off the lounge

But Alessia pulls me back down

"No ky ky your not because that will just get you arrested and we can't have that can we?" Alessia says and sits me back on the lounge

"Guys we should get Katie a present" Beth says

"Yeh that's a great idea" Leah says "we can get it tomorrow before they come home

"Yeh good idea" Alessia said "ky ky I'm tired can we go to bed"

"Yeah it's getting a bit late" i says "ok hiya we are heading off to bed good night" i say and gets up off the lounge

"Come on lessi" i say

"Can you carry me please" she gives puppy dog eyes

"Come on then baby girl" I say and pick her up

I pick Alessia up she lays her head on my shoulder and instantly falls asleep

Leah pov
When kyra picked Alessia up I got a quick photo and decided to put it on my insta.

Cuties @kyracooneycross  @alessiarusso Comments@bethmead lessi the sleepy head @stephcatley aww so cute @caitlinfoord cuties ❤️Load 1769 more comments

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Cuties @kyracooneycross  @alessiarusso
@bethmead lessi the sleepy head
@stephcatley aww so cute
@caitlinfoord cuties ❤️
Load 1769 more comments

I post it then me and Beth decide to go to bed aswell.

Back at the hospital

Caitlin pov
I have just been playing on my phone while Katie slept on my chest I took a photo.

It was now 10:30 so I decided to go to sleep , I put my arms around Katie and went to sleep

It's 2:30 in the morning and I hear Katie talking. I look down at her and she is still asleep but talking.

"Please please please I beg you don't hit me please i will do anything" she Said

"Hey bubs can you wake up please" I say rubbing her back

Katie doesn't wake up and she is starting to raise her voice and sounds really scared , I try to wake her up again

"Hey Katie wake for me please" I say and shake her a little bit

Katie wakes up she gets a tight grip to me shirt and just starts crying

"Hey hey what's wrong you can tell me anything" I say and just hug her tight

"I had a dream that I was with her again she hurt me all the time and wouldn't let me eat and all that" she says with tears rolling down her face

"Oh bubs you never deserved that and she is never going to come near you again I won't let her" I say stroking her hair and still having a tight grip on her

"Thank you cait I love you" she says and smiles at me and cuddles into my neck

"It's ok Kay I love you to...go back to sleep you need it" I say still stroking her hair.

Katie goes back to sleep and so do I. It's now the next morning.


Sorry I haven't posted I've been sick but I am back so there will be more post

I hope you like it please give me more I ideas x

It's a long one

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