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The first met

The grand ballroom of the luxury hotel was a dazzling display of power and wealth, filled with the crème de la crème of the business world. Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow over the sea of expensive suits and designer dresses, making the atmosphere both intimidating and suffocating. Aanshika Wagh moved through the crowd with practiced ease, her head held high, her expression neutral, masking the irritation she felt at being late to yet another social event.

She had never cared much for these gatherings—the schmoozing, the forced smiles, the endless small talk. But tonight was different. She was here representing her own business, a venture she had poured her heart into, helping it grow from a modest enterprise to a formidable contender in the market. Still, she preferred the background, where she could focus on strategy and innovation rather than engaging in the social politics of such events.

As she navigated the throng of people, her eyes scanned the room, taking in the faces of those she recognized and those she didn’t. Her thoughts were elsewhere, contemplating the upcoming business meeting she had scheduled for the following week. That’s when she noticed him—a tall, distinguished man standing near the stage, deep in conversation with several older gentlemen. There was something familiar about him, though she couldn’t quite place it.

Must be one of those CEOs I’ve read about in the business magazines, she thought, dismissing him as just another arrogant executive. The type she avoided. Aanshika turned her attention back to finding a quiet corner where she could check her phone in peace. But fate, it seemed, had other plans.

She was just rounding the corner, her focus entirely on her phone, when she collided with someone. The impact was jarring, but before she could react, a firm hand steadied her.

"I’m so sorry," the man said immediately. His voice was deep, laced with authority, yet there was a genuine concern that caught her off guard.

"No, it’s fine," Aanshika replied, looking up and meeting his eyes for the first time. Time seemed to slow as she took in his features—sharp, commanding, with eyes that held a depth she hadn’t expected. There was a flicker of recognition, a brief moment where she felt she should know him, but she quickly dismissed it. "I wasn’t paying attention."

"Neither was I," he admitted, a slight smile playing at the corners of his mouth. There was something in his gaze that intrigued her—something she hadn’t felt in a long time. But she pushed the thought aside. This was just a fleeting moment, nothing more. "Are you here for the conference?"

"Yes," she answered curtly, still not quite sure what to make of the man standing in front of her. He had the kind of presence that demanded attention, the kind that Aanshika had always been wary of.

His eyebrows lifted slightly, as if recognizing her name. "You must be Miss Aanshika Wagh, I've read about your company."

Aanshika blinked in surprise. It wasn’t often that someone as high-profile as him knew of her work, let alone acknowledged it. "Thank you. I’m just trying to keep things running smoothly."

"Modesty is a rare quality in our field," he observed, his gaze steady and assessing. She could feel him sizing her up, trying to figure her out, and she resisted the urge to fidget under his scrutiny.

She already knew who he was—the infamous CEO, Reyansh Malhotra, who had taken over his family’s empire at a young age and turned it into a powerhouse. His reputation preceded him, and she couldn’t help but feel a mix of respect and caution. Men like him were dangerous—not because they were ruthless, but because they had the power to upend everything with just a word or a glance.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Malhotra," she replied, her voice steady, giving nothing away. She wasn’t intimidated by him, but she wasn’t about to let her guard down either.

Before the conversation could go any further, a conference organizer approached, reminding him that his keynote speech was about to start.

"I have to go, but perhaps we could continue this conversation later?" he suggested, a hint of curiosity in his tone that she didn’t miss.

"Perhaps," she replied, keeping her tone noncommittal. She watched as he walked away, his presence leaving a strange void in the room. Aanshika shook her head slightly, reminding herself that she had no intention of getting close to anyone, especially not someone like Reyansh Malhotra.

But as she turned back to her phone, trying to refocus on the messages waiting for her attention, she couldn’t shake the feeling that this encounter was just the beginning of something unexpected. Something she hadn’t planned for—and wasn’t entirely sure she was ready to face.


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