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Aanshika's POV

As the car engine roared to life and we pulled out of the school's parking lot, Yash threw me a curious glance from the driver's seat. He always had a way of asking questions when the tension was just starting to ease.

"Diuu," he began, teasing as always, "how do you know them?" His eyebrows wiggled as he tried to make the question sound light, but I could sense the curiosity lurking beneath.

I sighed, leaning back into the seat, glancing out the window to where Reyansh and Ruhi were still standing, the scene playing in my mind. Reyansh Malhotra. His name carried so much weight, not just in the business world but now... personally too. How had I ended up here? Involved with this family beyond a simple professional meeting?

"It’s a long story," I finally said, half avoiding the question. "I met Mr. Malhotra through work. He runs Malhotra Enterprises, and we’re discussing a potential collaboration on a fashion event at his new hotel."

Yash smirked. "Just work, huh? You’re telling me that’s all there is? Because the way that guy looked at you back there..." he trailed off, clearly fishing for more.

I rolled my eyes, trying to keep my expression neutral. "It's just work, Yash. You know how business can get. And besides, his daughter needed help today. That’s all."

Though as the words left my mouth, I couldn’t help but think back to Ruhi. The fragile way she clung to me earlier, as if I could somehow anchor her in a moment of anxiety. I hadn’t expected to feel such a protective instinct toward her, but there it was. And Reyansh... the way his eyes softened when he saw her calm down... it was a side of him I hadn’t imagined.

Yash glanced at me again, clearly unconvinced. "Come on, diuu, I saw how you looked at him too. That’s not just business."

"Yash," I cut in, a little more sternly this time, "I’m not interested in playing games or reading into things. Yes, we have a business relationship, and yes, we were in an intense situation with Ruhi today. But that’s it."

He grinned but let it go, the car falling into a comfortable silence for a moment. I stared out the window, the world rushing past, my thoughts still on Reyansh. His tired eyes, the weight he carried on his shoulders — it was hard not to notice. And despite everything, despite the walls I’d built around myself for so long, there was something about him that stirred something within me.

But I had to be careful. The last thing I needed was to get pulled into something complicated.

"So, when’s your next meeting with Mr. Businessman?" Yash broke the silence again, grinning as if he hadn’t just dropped the previous conversation.

I couldn’t help but laugh at his persistence. "Soon," I admitted. "But, Yash, don’t make this into something it’s not. It's strictly business."

For now, at least, I thought to myself.

Yash chuckled, clearly enjoying the teasing. "Yeah, yeah, diuu. We’ll see."

I shook my head, smiling to myself as we drove, knowing Yash wouldn’t let this go anytime soon. But for now, I needed to focus on other things.

As Yash continued driving, his phone buzzed, interrupting the silence. He glanced at the screen, and I noticed the soft frown on his face as he answered. It was his mother.

"Hello, Maa," he greeted, his voice a little quieter than usual. "Yeah, I'm on my way."

I instantly motioned to him, shaking my head frantically. I didn’t want her to know I was with him. Yash’s mother—my Badi Maa—had been calling me all day, but I’d been dodging her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15 ⏰

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