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Unanticipated Encounters

The morning sunlight streamed through the tall glass windows of Aanshika’s apartment as she finished her final touches, preparing for another busy day. Clad in an elegant yet professional outfit—a well-tailored blazer paired with sleek trousers, she exuded confidence, a woman with clear purpose and direction. Her fashion business was growing rapidly, and today was no different.

As she arrived at her office, a modern space that reflected her taste for minimalism with hints of bold, vibrant color, Saina, her diligent secretary, was already waiting for her with a cup of coffee and the morning briefing.

“Good morning, ma’am,” Saina greeted, offering her the steaming cup. “Your schedule is pretty full today. You’ve got the design team presentation at ten, a call with the suppliers at noon, and an external meeting in the afternoon.”

Aanshika took the coffee, nodding as she listened, her mind already moving between the various tasks for the day. “Sounds manageable. Anything else?”

Saina hesitated for a moment before continuing, “Yes, we received a business proposal yesterday. It’s from Malhotra Firms. They’ve requested a meeting to discuss organizing a fashion event in their newly launched hotel.”

Aanshika’s hand froze midway to her coffee. Malhotra Firms? Her mind raced, but she quickly composed herself. Of course, it had to be Reyansh. The world of business wasn’t as large as people liked to think, especially among the elite circles they moved in. Still, it was unexpected.

“Schedule the meeting for this afternoon,” Aanshika said, masking the surprise in her voice. “Let’s see what they have in mind.”

Saina nodded and jotted down the note, unaware of the complex thoughts running through Aanshika’s mind.

The day moved quickly, and by the time the afternoon rolled around, Aanshika found herself in the backseat of her car, on the way to Malhotra Firms. She hadn’t been to their offices before, but she had heard stories—stories of how impressive and grand they were.

When her car pulled up in front of the towering building, she wasn’t disappointed. Malhotra Firms’ headquarters was imposing—glass and steel soaring into the sky, an architectural marvel that screamed power and wealth. The moment she stepped inside, she was greeted by polished marble floors, high ceilings, and the hum of efficient business operations.

She was led to a conference room by a polite assistant, her heels clicking sharply against the floor as she approached. When the door opened, Reyansh was already there, standing near the large windows, his back to the door, looking out over the city. He turned when she entered, and for a brief moment, their eyes locked.

God, he looks even more handsome in the daylight. The thought struck her involuntarily as she took in his appearance. He was dressed impeccably, as always, in a tailored suit that hugged his broad shoulders, but there was a weariness to him—dark circles under his eyes, the slight tension in his stance. Despite the exhaustion, he still managed to look… hot.

Aanshika mentally scolded herself. Focus, this is business.

“Miss Wagh,” Reyansh greeted her, his voice deep and smooth, though there was a hint of fatigue in it. “Thank you for coming.”

“Of course, Mr. Malhotra,” she replied, regaining her composure. “Let’s get started.”

They both took their seats at the long, polished table. As their teams exchanged pleasantries, Aanshika couldn’t help but notice how distracted Reyansh seemed. His usually sharp eyes seemed distant, though he tried to stay focused on the conversation. Despite that, he carried himself with the same authoritative presence that had intrigued her from the beginning.

The discussion quickly moved to business. Malhotra Firms wanted Aanshika’s fashion house to organize a grand event for the launch of their newest luxury hotel. It was an ambitious project—something that required meticulous planning, high-profile collaborations, and a flawless execution. Aanshika’s team had done similar events before, but this was bigger, bolder. And it was clear Reyansh wanted the best.

As they spoke, Reyansh’s phone vibrated on the table. He glanced at the screen, and his expression changed instantly. Concern flashed across his face, and without a word, he excused himself to take the call. Aanshika watched as he moved to the side of the room, his voice low but urgent.

A few moments later, he ended the call and turned back to her, his face tense. “I apologize, but I need to leave immediately. It’s an emergency.”

Aanshika’s brows furrowed in concern. “Is everything alright?”

Reyansh hesitated before answering, his usual guarded demeanor cracking just a bit. “It’s Ruhi. Something’s happened at her school. I need to go.”

Ruhi. The little girl she had met the night before. Aanshika felt a strange pull—an unexpected concern for this child she barely knew.

Without thinking, she stood up. “I’ll come with you.”

Reyansh looked at her, surprised by the offer. “You don’t have to. It’s—”

“I want to,” she cut in gently. “Besides, we were in the middle of a meeting. I can come along, and we’ll continue when things settle.”

For a brief moment, Reyansh seemed to consider declining, but then he simply nodded, gratitude flickering in his eyes. “Alright.”

They left the office together, Aanshika matching his quick pace as they made their way to his car. The ride to Ruhi’s school was tense, the air thick with unspoken worries. Aanshika stole a glance at Reyansh. His jaw was clenched, his fingers tapping restlessly on his knee as if his mind was racing with worst-case scenarios.

Though Aanshika didn’t know much about his personal life, it was clear that Ruhi meant the world to him.

They arrived at the school within minutes, the large gates and manicured grounds a stark contrast to the growing anxiety in Reyansh’s posture. As soon as the car stopped, he stepped out, not even waiting for the driver to open his door. Aanshika followed closely behind, her heart pounding slightly faster than usual, though she wasn’t entirely sure why.

The school’s principal was waiting for them at the entrance. “Mr. Malhotra,” she greeted him with a serious expression. “There’s been a situation with Ruhi.”

“What happened?” Reyansh asked, his voice tense.

The principal hesitated. “There was an altercation with some of the other children. Ruhi seems quite upset, and we thought it best to call you in.”

Aanshika could see the frustration building in Reyansh’s expression, though he kept his tone measured. “I want to see her.”

The principal led them down a hallway to a small office, where Ruhi sat on a chair, her arms crossed over her chest, her face red from crying. The sight of the little girl, so distraught, pulled at Aanshika’s heart.

Reyansh crouched down in front of Ruhi, his voice soft. “Ruhi, what happened?”

At the sight of him, Ruhi’s face crumpled, and she buried herself in his arms, sobbing. “They… they were making fun of me. They said… they said I don’t have a mom, and that’s why you have to come for everything.”

Reyansh’s expression tightened. “Who said that?”

Ruhi shook her head, clinging to him. “It doesn’t matter.”

Aanshika watched the scene unfold, feeling a mix of emotions. She hadn’t expected to be here, witnessing this vulnerable side of Reyansh and Ruhi. But now that she was, something inside her shifted.

This wasn’t the powerful businessman she had seen earlier. This was a father, deeply protective of his child, struggling to hold together the fragile pieces of their world. And somehow, without knowing how or why, Aanshika felt drawn into that world.

She stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on Ruhi’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Ruhi. You don’t need to listen to them. You’re so lucky to have someone who cares about you so much.”

Ruhi looked up at her, tears still in her eyes but calmer now, and for the first time, Aanshika saw a flicker of recognition and understanding pass between them.


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